Tuesday 16 August 2011

Back from home

Hey, I am back from home...

Back from home or back to home... Too often my FB status shifted between these two that finally none of my friends bothered to comment or like..;( but for me its always a double like...:)

Bus reached late and i was too happy to finally have a genuine reason to take leave ;)

With a book in one hand and remote in other hand i am winding up this afternoon ...

Ye it reminds me that i am back from the safe cocoon of my home and watching all these nonsense happening in our " great" nation.

i am feeling so bad that i am in a corrupted and timid world where everyone waits for another to act and react...why we all are taught to be scared???...i really wish for a change, like many...

At least we should have the courage to speak what we believe even if we cant go to the extend of strike and protest like Anna Hazare...Today whole nation making a big cry over Anna Hazare; media celebrating it with live telecasts- dramtic protests and reactions...i already got dozens of mails from different social activist's communities asking to vote /sign/join different demonstrations....

But tomorrow the same media will hype some cheap Bollywood gossips in the same way and we, people will be busy with our own life to bother what happened yesterday...

I think we are taught too much to adjust ,that we are getting used to every sort of stupidity ..we ve learned to move on with our lives untouched by what 's happening around us..

With our eyes closed why should we shout for a change?

As the famous saying goes " we should be the change that we wish to see"...If we all express ourselves truly and stand for what we believe rather than too much compromising we can build a better world to live in...

Let the people protest and demonstrate , the ones like me who don't have the opportunity or situation for that can bring in changes in our own small small ways ...

Do something to bring hopes to our fellow beings ...

All this faking should go...All this timidness should go...we should guard our own self respect,ethics and courage to fight for what we believe...Then only the true change happens....

B'lated Happy Independence Day!!!

Monday 15 August 2011

Post Created Aug 15, 2011 8:08:47 PM

It was truly one of the most interesting day in my life...not Aug 15 but few days before.. I finally found out why I couldn't memorise the poems or quotes i like...

I understood why I always drew road maps to friends who asked for direction rather than explaining verbally...and why I prefer to recollect things as images to words....

I am a Right brained human !!! :) ..

My dear roomies, this was why I am extra careless n disorganized ;) ..actually I felt so relieved , science does solved many years of my confusion that asked " why I am like diz?" though not 100% hehe....

I do remember my friend's comment " don't attribute your laziness to poor right brain ;)

Tuesday 2 August 2011

What can frustration do to you???

We all get frustrated about different things at different times in different situations... Reasons can vary from the pathetic administration of our government to the peer pressure that demands us to stretch over our limits ...it can be a traffic block, a bad-mouthed friend, a boring job, limited income, family pressure, or a small fight with your partner... It is how we all react to helplessness...when we feel stuck, we are frustrated...:(

And the result it creates is worse .. Headache, bad temper, distorted biased decisions, feeling useless n worthless, unhealthy eating habits which can also be expensive to your pocket, unable to concentrate nor able to find anything good about what you are doing... A total "meaningless" attitude will creep into your brain, heart, and finally to your soul....it will first make you angry, then sad, then confused, and finally distant towards reality...

Is it good? I can say frustration is good only for those few who can turn it into positive action or else it is depressingly negative...

I went through so many articles which claimed to help controlling frustration but to be very frank it was simply a waste of my time. It suggested methods on how to escape or make us blind towards something we wanna shout loud...like listening to music, speaking to your friends or sleep..!!! So I genuinely started thinking of options other than escapism...and don't read further if you expect me to answer... I m not... First, of course, I tried escapism but it simply asked me to forget what worries me and finally I ended up forgetting who I am!!! So plz don't go for it... Next, I tried reading philosophical books that claimed to give answers but I was simply more confused...so I ended up following a method of expressing my frustration in simple ways...like writing comments, blog, or reacting loud when I ought to rather than trying to be blind...I decided to keep a small journal to list of positive things I did and it did work for me... I can't change the world and its bad things myself so I simply changed grumbling how bad the world is... I wish to do what my little hands could do and what my small position in this world could carry...I simply don't wanna regret thinking I missed doing something worth coz I was confused or unprepared.... :) this is my way and of course, it all depends on how much you can contribute to the betterment of the world we live in...and plz Dnt Choose to be blind ... You might be called as sweet and innocent by your family and friends if you remain silent and smiling but don't u feel unworthy?????

Sunday 24 July 2011


Today I got one more request… Google Plus…Another social networking site!!!!!!
It is introduced by Google and reported to have more exciting features and applications than our favorite Facebook ….Its predicted by many to beat the popularity of FB in the coming days …I might have doubted this prediction but I remember how me n my friends said “ FB is stupid ,100% non user friendly and boring”… And now all these people who showered negative comments including me are checking FB every hour or sometimes even more..;)
So who can say what we gonna like next!!! 

Ye, I joined ;)…Once upon a time I liked our old Orkut, now I am a humble fan of FB and tomorrow ..?… …changes of interest do happens, u know…he he…So let us wait n see…

As all of you might have thought, I too always think ‘what makes FB so popular n addictive ?’.There is a movie based on the true story about how FB happened… and that movie was really nice …It’s truly said, FB satisfy our interest to know what’s happening in the lives of people whom we know…;)

Is it the only reason? Of course no.…One of my friend was saying he moved to FB coz he get more comments for his pics in FB than Orkut!! So is it the quick comments we get for our actions one of the reason? Or are we people forgetting to appreciate our friends/family/collegues face to face …finally making people crave for attention and appreciation??

Or are we considering Facebook as a stage to showcase how much happy/ successful /enviable we are?

The most positive aspect of FB which I like the most is, it makes my favorite good bye note - “Keep in touch” – as something easy to promise 

All these or might be more, can be the reason we like FB …But I truly believe these sites helps ourselves to realize the importance of appreciating and encouraging our friends …the basic theory that we get what we give …. To open up our expressions and opinions as funny comments at least… And finally to develop a feeling as a closely knit community , which I believe as the super choice rather than keeping a list of old friends n new friends , ex colleagues n colleagues, family n relatives which we always forget to contact !

So don’t think twice before pressing the “Like” button to something you like or to comment something which we feel like expressing loud…It really makes one person smile and that smile you can be assured to get back one day 

Saturday 23 July 2011



As usual I ve decided to blog everyday..Hope this time I ll stick to my decision…

11 am..Saturday…

I am still in my sleepy shrug trying hard not to fully wake up ;)..Sleeping is such a beautiful state and that too in mornings…I love sleeping and for me waking up is always a big mess, be it 5 in the morning or 12 in the afternoon….;)
oh I gota go..will finish this in the evening…

6 39 pm….one thing I love about the place I stay, is this big balcony..just now I came back from temple and glad that this cool wind adding to my peaceful feel..:)…Sun just disappeared and what left is only a golden glow with yellowish red layer…Even that could lit up our small earth and our big life…;)
It was raining from morning …rain is like a magic , I always wonder how can such a 100% scientifically explained process can look this much mysterious and mystical…might be the beauty and fury make us forget facts..he he

Here all thinks of rain as a mess …From the time I can remember the only thing that I hate about rain is I ve to carry an umbrella…It can be my mom or my friend , but I am sure and used to get scolding for forgetting it , very often ;)..

I ve read so much about how a person feel when he/she is moved to a city from the safe cocoon of home …I should agree, it is very much true…not everything applicable to all but still the confused feel of being in a place which is strange and far, still our own…where we try to make the best out of ourselves…where we feel like the place to prove…but with a feeling that someday we gonna miss this life which we still cant identify as good or bad ..Somehow accepting the fact that we are away from where we should or ought to be…But still clinging coz we love it…confused? No wonder! Me too…Anyway I am not gonna edit n rewrite..coz that’s exactly what I feel ;)

Its now almost 2 years that I started living in this city…sometimes I love this hurry mode and sometimes I long for a slow paced world…As I read somewhere we all are stuck in two worlds…Almost everything you hate is what basically you love the most…except food ;)

I ve seen many people falling into negative pits of thoughts just bcoz they got tooo much confused…I don’t want you or me in that…;)…
So only thing we can do is to smile and face the life, with no regret … if you ever felt like you are a mistake and started the habit of too much regretting…just stop n think..As we all believe, someone up there ve decided everything and we are just dice with which he play games…(It is always good to ve someone to blame ;) he he )

Now it’s totally dark except the light from my lappy…so let me too wind up for today and get my hot yummy soup dinner ;) oh! I forgot to update…That’s my new diet secret recipe!! ;)
Goodnight 

Sunday 12 June 2011

Seasons change.do we?

Seasons change.do we?

It's a caption of a Malayalam movie and somehow it hit a code somewhere in my heart....
When I started writing this blog my heart and thoughts belonged to a completely different person and I am far from that girl who crazily loved rain n books..though these two still comes first in my favorite list....As a routine I carry a book in my bag but sometimes I even forget which book or it's presence...nowadays I never sit n watch rain coz now I feel cozy to slip under my blanket n sleep when it rain ... My friend get excited seeing the rain n shout in surprise how can i not enjoy it in the way i used to....Sometimes I think I m slipping away from myself ;sometimes I think I m being more myself...it's not confusing as I imagined to change choices coz time do it for you...

I always used to talk excitedly to my friends about reunion n alumini meet and now when it really happend I opted not to go...ye,I can always blame my friends who are not turning up due to many unavoidable reasons still I am not feeling the sadness that I expected to feel...
I was in a beautiful calm place where each day was memorable enough to write a story...there too I had some nice friends and like everyone's college story goes it was the most exciting n memorable days... As it turned out, only very very few showed up n somehow I didn't felt that guilt of not going...

my wandering soul

Time is a wind that blows
To Change my directions...
Directions are routes that lead
To my unknown destiny...
Destiny is a mirage that helps
To hide my wrong choices...

Where is the world I search for?
I want it here... In my world.
But life pushes me to a strange place
Where music is in headphones
Where eyes wander only for letters I type
And days wither as my heart blinks...

Saturday 28 May 2011

Post Created May 29, 2011 5:10:01 AM

As usual, I am here totally confused about what to write!!
Today was a sort of dull day. There was nothing much interesting and worst is, I been to the office on Saturday for the first time :)

I thought Saturday office will be quiet and lonely but to my utter surprise I found so many people roaming around enjoying their day ...then my friend cleared my small confused look by explaining it as the casual day for office staffs... They all looked so different and happy out of their boring brown uniform and super excited...

From Lkg till 10th my uniform was white & blue, from that day till now I hate blue. And it took years for my eyes to adjust and compromise with the fact that, for guys, blue is the only colorful formal option available!
After plus two, shades of brown also vanished from my color list ;)
But every morning when I crazily search in my wardrobe without a clue on what to wear I really used to wish for a uniform... But only then I used to like that idea!! I don't want myself to hate more colors.!!!!!!!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Post Created May 26, 2011 8:49:10 AM

Yesterday I was writing something n before posting only I slept off:)
Now I am in bus...mng is always same for me..I like it only if I am in my bed..or else it's just a lazy trip to office...Though my Friendz make fun of my laziness ,I like my life in diz way.. Little careless n little more careless ...Today is gonna b really really hectic ... N sure I will ve to stretch till 9...Still sumhow I like my job and finally I am proud that I changed my job 4 times and that too different domains ..I m not finding this as end but still I no more growl thinking of my job:) happy day:)

Friday 6 May 2011

Post Created May 6, 2011 11:17:26 PM

Thinking positive is all I have
All ask to be positive
But once I talk positive
All think am full of ego
I know this world is filled with opposites
All ask me to find similarities in that
But once I find it
All cries wrong making me wonder
Searching is my passion
All write it as the Aim of life
But once I do
All paints me as aimless
Lying-in my bed with no mask to bear
I wanna explore this life
Dats my little big dream
To show this world
Without risk we grow no more than a baby
I pity those who stay in there safety cocoon
Thoughts are meant to be thoughts
Never make it a store room of junk
Open the door n let the cool wind gush
Making your hair breath
Stay in wind with your eyes open
Don't shut it listening to some other's songs
That lyrics is not ours
Thoughts are our first action
And always make it truly ours
Life need coins but not let that be a chain
Life need bonds but not let that be a chain
Life need aims but not let that be these two chains alone
Life is your possession that needs to lived
Not just a path to follow and pretend happiness
Don't trust ignorance as happiness
Don't run away to live in a cocoon
Stay in your world and crack your cocoon
Then only you be a butterfly
With beautiful wings to fly
Seeing and sensing the flowers around you
And making you smile like me

Post Created May 6, 2011 11:08:57 PM

I have to finish lot of work .I am feeling down.someone who is very special to me is leaving and realistically speaking I know chance of meeting again Is very less.even if we meet it will be after years and life won't be the same.I hate when this happen.and nowadays it is happening so often...all says death is the only final leaving and in all other cases chances are plenty to meet.but for me I ve always experienced a change whenever people move away from us . It will never be like the same old dayz of togetherness..like the times we roamed around spending all our salary eating Ice creams n chicken ,the small fights which we ferociously fought n finally both trying hard to remember why we fighted or shopped for no reason finally making us blink at the ATM balance ..it was fun n fun...dat all never gonna return ...now it's gonna end up in chat boxes and mails like many other relationships...I know the bond will exist but am gonna truly miss that togetherness forever..

something I wrote 20days back

I am learning a new mode of writing..one more yr starts...what all changes it gonna bring is always s mystery..however like all I too expect this year to bring lot of happiness and sparkle to my life...this day,15april 2011...am away from home near to my friends...sometimes I feel that I am too lucky to have such gud friendz...and am even too scared to accept it...this time I am just thanking god for all his blessings...I am living in a world dat frustrates me ;terrorism,death,insecurity,uncertainty,poverty,illiteracy and what not?but on the other hand I love this world ..my dilemma is all about how much I need to worry about the world and lives around me..sometimes I can live happily avoiding the people around me but many a times I am getting lost
Why all think that I am trying to show off or showing a fake concern...I may not be able to materialize all my dreams today but still I have the interest n true desire .I truly believe one day I will make my dream true:)

Monday 25 April 2011

Endosulfan​...Some facts that we all should know....

I never been so frustrated …Being in our society, I always encountered situations directly or indirectly where I have to stand blind, to injustice or corruption… I felt angry…I felt sad…I regretted for being silent… But this time its pure hatred and frustration …In what damn society I am living????

From the mid 1970s, the pesticide Endosulfan has been aerially sprayed in cashew nut plantations covering several villages in Kasargod District, Kerala. And from then about 500 deaths have been officially acknowledged as related to the spraying of Endosulfan and unofficial estimates put the total number of deaths since the late seventies around 4000. The insect killer was sprayed aerially with in particular used helicopters. As the plantations are mostly in mountainous areas, the pesticide drains and gets washed down the slopes during rains into drinking water below. Consuming this water will result in diseases ranging from physical deformities, cancers, birth disorders and damages to brain and nervous system. In 2001, in Kerala, endosulfan was banned, yet under pressure from the pesticide industry this ban was largely revoked. The situation there has been called "next in magnitude only to the Bhopal gas tragedy”.

The study of Endosulfan effects showed larger abnormality such as mental retardation, cancer and infertility in the victims (humans and animals). But the pesticide and fertilizer industries disagreed with the studies. It’s clear that the usage of the Pesticide in the Kerala government owned cashew plantation was a result of political play between Government officials and Pesticide industries. It’s not only Kerala that faced the negative impacts of Endosulfan but in many villages in Karnataka also the same issues been raised resulting in state wise ban of this harmful chemical. But still Central government finds it safe to support the usage of this killer pesticide in our agricultural lands!!!! This Pesticide is still used for cotton and Cashew plantations in many states like Punjab, Assam and Andhra Pradesh.

Don’t you think it as clear mockery on us, declaring so loud that the government don’t care a damn about the life of poor farmers??? Do these greedy politicians let there children live in such an environment??

In kerala, thousands have been affected with severe neurological and congenital deformities, as a result of 20 years of Endosulfan use. Ten years ago, Kerala banned endosulfan. In December, the National Human Rights Commission expressed its support for a countrywide ban but still nothing happened.

In the international scenario, with 63 countries already banned and 12 countries (including US) which never allowed this pesticide to be even tried in their farms, India stand up loudly support this poison !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t you feel ashamed of being an Indian?? I do feel...

India accounts for 70 percent of the global production and consumption of this pesticide and try to show the world that this pesticide is harmless.

Last day a group of ministers from Kerala discussed the issue with our PM, requesting him to support the worldwide ban of this poisonous pesticide in the international convention. The PM replied that there is not much evidence to show the harmful effects of this pesticide and he received a mail from a MP(he don’t want to disclose his name) saying that Kerala government have some personal interest in this ban which needs some clarification and investigation!!!!!!!!
When will our politicians at least PM, learn not to drag silly party fights when discussing about an issue that deals with people’s safety, health and life????? What more evidence he needs than the 1000s of people who suffer and die like earth worms…children who are born and exist like vegetables…

Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar also stands straight supporting this poison …He wants to conduct a study by ICMR before he agree or understand the issue ….So what about 16 similar exercises in the last 10 years by various international and national medical organisations including ICMR on Endosulfan's impact ???
What about the report submitted in 2002 which he rejected without much reason simply supporting the endosalphan lobby?? Forgotten so fast????

Yesterday Secretary-General of the Consortium of Indian Farmers' Associations (CIFA), P. Chengal Reddy, who is famous as a lobbist in this issue, said in an interview that, they have discussed the issue with Sharad Pawar and Pawar have already given the promise that the government will never support the ban. They have also sent a mail to PM asking him not to support the ban of endosulphan in Stockholm convention. He also openly declared that government is not going to give a damn about Kerala nor damn Kasargod!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it about a state??? Is it about who rules a state that decides the support of PM to an issue like this? What should we call the government when some one like Chengal Reddy (who is also a close friend of Pawar) could announce a decision like this with such an ease and arrogance??
Today, on 25th April, world is going to decide if we all want Endosulphan or not. In India , where 1000s children exists with incurable birth disorders and physical deformities because of Endosulphan , where 1000 s of people are suffering from cancer, reproductive problems, permanent brain and nerve damage because of Endosulphan , should we stand supporting it??? Are we supporting the creation and existence of a new generation with permanent birth disorders???
I, as a citizen of India, don’t know what I should do individually to stop this mockery of justice…But please let us don’t be unaware about what’s happening around us…Let us not just discuss only about World cup and IPLs …
To support this cause please check http://www.endosulfan.in/#home

*As per Wikipedia, Endosulfan is an off-patent organochlorine insecticide and acaricide. This colourless solid has emerged as a highly controversial agrichemical due to its acute toxicity, potential for bioaccumulation, and role as an endocrine disruptor. Banned in more than 63 countries, including the European Union, Australia and New Zealand, and other Asian and West African nations, and being phased out in the United States,Brazil and Canada. It is still used extensively in many other countries including India and China. It is produced by Bayer CropScience, Makhteshim Agan, and Government-of-India–owned Hindustan Insecticides Limited among others. Endosulfan is one of the most toxic pesticides on the market today, responsible for many fatal pesticide poisoning incidents around the world. Endosulfan is also a xenoestrogen—a synthetic substance that imitates or enhances the effect of estrogens—and it can act as an endocrine disruptor, causing reproductive and developmental damage in both animals and humans. Because of its threats to the environment, a global ban on the use and manufacture of endosulfan is being considered under the Stockholm Convention.

**The international meeting on POP chemicals (Stockholm convention, Conference of Parties) is to be held in Geneva on 25th of April.

Thursday 7 April 2011


Election is the only word I could here in my little 100% literate state...All channels and newspapers celebrating it like a festival..but many times i feel that the real meaning of election is getting spoiled...why poeple conside election like a match?It is something serious like an exam...Give people space to think rather than feeding them with all sort of stupid analysis and discussions....

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Life is weird..no..it is the weirdest of all. Sometimes I find everything in this world linked, and sometimes it is so much confusion that I tend to believe my colleagues' expression of life as meaningless. But I survive every time before falling into that dark depth of meaninglessness.

I always end up doing things I hate the most & never used to do the things I passionately want. I listen patiently to people I don't like; the same me will restlessly shout at those whom I care the most. I start with something and end up with something different. I do things which I promised to myself a hundred times as never to be repeated. I keep on forgetting important things in my life, and I never fail to get flash alerts of moments I hate the most...I smile at the oddest hour and be gloomy when I am supposed to be happy. I like someone for one character which is negligible to his/her 100 negative ones and hate another because of his/her one character which is negligible to his/her 100 positive ones. I always end up saying no to the things which I wanted once. I feel jealous of someone I consider as my own and later regret. One moment, I am selfish, and in the next second, I am not. My list of contradictions goes on.

With time, my preferences and thinking patterns changed, some for good and some for not so good. Sometimes at the least expected moment, one of my dumbest ideas will start working!!! Many times, the decisions I thought as excellent, crashed, making me look like a fool...But...But somehow like a jinx, it all fell in the right places. Somehow I feel that everything happens for good and with a reason and I always managed to say 'life is good and always will be good', the only thing is that we have to see the goodness in it...

But there are questions which I could never find any answers to...just like the tears on that little girl's face which made me walk back from my favorite church door...I felt too greedy to pray when there exist so many who needed god more than me...

I am bad and good; I am right and wrong; I am wise and the idiot. How weird to think that way! And sometimes very depressing too. But still, I go on with my life, with a simple thought; an assurance - All this confusion makes life and all the things which I do and think are common; shared by all... it simply means I am human!!!!!!!!!!! how weird...

Saturday 5 March 2011


Today also I searched for a good translator. I browsed and browsed...and after one hour sadly I found myself downloading songs !!!!!

Still, I managed to write this much before I wind up...

എന്ത് എഴുതും ...
ഒരുപാട് ...
ഞാന്‍ എപ്ഴും ഇങ്നയാ ....ആരെങ്കിലും എന്തെങിലും മനസില്‍ കുറിചിട്ടു തന്നാല്‍ അതു കിട്ടുന്ന വരെ ഒരു സമാധാന കുറവാ ...ചിലെപ്പൊ ഒക്കെ എല്ലാരും അ സ്വഭാവതെ വാശി എന്നു പറയും .. പക്ഷേ പല്പ്പൊഴും അതു എനിക്ക്‌ ഇഷ്ട്ടെമാ....
അതു വാശിയുടെ രസം ആണോ അതോ പൊട്ടെതെരെം ആണോ എന്നും അറിയില്ല...എങ്കിലും ഈ പൊട്ടതെരങെള്‍ ഒക്കെയാണ്ണ് എന്നെ ഞാനാക്കി മാറ്റിയെത്‌... ഇതൊന്നും ഇല്ലെങില്‍ ഞാനും ഇല്ല എന്നല്ചികുമ്പൊ മാറ്റാനും തോന്നാറില്ല...

It took one hour to write this :(

I can't stand more...good night... I am damn sleepy...

Sunday 27 February 2011

1:42 am

I slept the whole day and now I don't even feel like looking at the bed :(

It was a bit disappointing still a pleasant week...The main disappointment was that I had to cancel my ticket to Kerala last minute because of some urgent work @ office ...Usually, I go home on weekends; getting inspired by my friends who are here in Bangalore, I decided to add up the days and go once in a month. But, the very first time itself my plan crashed. All these are good for people who plan everything not for me at least :)
I learned my lesson; so will be happy sticking back to my usual regime of going on weekends & never depending on leaves!!! I love traveling so its not a big deal :)

I wish to write more but you know, these days I am too much into blocks ... I mean not only writer's block...but also traffic blocks...I am hating it to the core... Sometimes I feel god is testing my patience..My mood of the day(at least half-day) is completely dependent on if am stuck in a block or not.

The only good thing about the block is, it is teaching me how to be patient...and how to divert my anger and frustration into something more positive like watching others or playing games on mobile.....(Don't ask me if it is something positive!!!)

Morning, everyone has to reach somewhere; responsibilities to carry out and promises to keep; all will be hurrying and hurrying just like me.

Evening it is weariness...more than responsibility it is the eagerness to reach and settle down...Then also it is hurrying and hurrying unlike me who find evening time as a bit relaxing...might b because I don't have any responsibilities after going back.

That's the life in a city ... all running behind buses, targets, positions, money, power, partner, and much more...all taking more tensions than they are capable of to be a part of a rat race which society pushes them to be a part of...If you sit back and watch it is something that will make your day more depressing...But even when this process of watching becomes routine it is a numbness that is left...Life will slowly teach you how to turn your head automatically from the face of a legless beggar to the shaking shiny shoes in the next auto...n think wow!...


For the past two hours, I was trying hard to get one of my blogs translated to Malayalam ...and I failed pathetically... :(

That s how life works..hmmm...When I sincerely tried to make it work it is not even giving me an encouraging nod...I tried using different translating tools but what to do; whatever I type turns to be utter nonsense...even I can't understand what I am writing; forget about others...Tomorrow I am planning to nag my colleague again who poured into my head the idea of a Malayalam blog... :)

I won't stop until I get it done :)

Yesterday I watched a Malayalam movie...Cocktail! damn wonderful I should say...I heard my friends commenting about it as a ditto copy of an English movie...Still, I appreciate those behind the screen for choosing a nice theme to copy!!! Creative copying is also a skill to be appreciated ;)

I was always glued to books rather than movies or TV shows but now I am getting a bit interested in movies, which I usually find as a too dramatic and unrealistic portrayal of life ... Recently I got to watch a few nice movies that made me say wow...Now Indian silver-screen is exploring more real-life issues rather than romance and action which is appreciable.

But still, I love books...Movies are like good snacks(Kurkure...he he) while books remain as the full course meal... :)

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Some days are so normal that it will nearly bore you (drag you)to death..today was of that kind...nothing unusual ... nothing to laugh much nor to worry..a plain normal day...
Boredom dragged me to Facebook and then naturally to the n number of updated posts by my friends...

One that caught my attention was a fuming discussion happening on my friend's wall over the Sabarimala issue...

From Hari's wall "Years ago, there was a tribal group that lived in ponnambalamedu forest.They celebrated some festival once in a year during 'makara'month (the same time when Sabarimala temple opened for pooja). Some how that turned to be "Makaravilakku" and part of Sabarimala pilgrimage.As the years passed that tribe vanished slowly and considering the havoc that may create, devaswom board(sabarimala temple authority) decided to do something as an alternative.And what ever that we see now is actually done by devaswom board along with Kerala electricity board by lighting camphor and covering it with wet sack. The person who submitted this research report had to do cancel it and was forced to do another one due to pressure from top officials. If this person comes up now with that old report and publish it, i guess atleast from next year onwards this kind of tragedies can be avoided"

I thought of writing a comment but simply hit the Like button...

Nowadays I don't believe in arguments over social issues...I don’t think it will reach anyone’s' heart nor brain...Those who know it as a fake will protest; people who blindly believe will simply stick to their beliefs...Others will continue to be in the safe "no comments" zone, neither arguing nor believing...

I am hearing this story from my childhood and I am sure that most of the Keralites do know this version...But might be because of the rational thoughts ingrained in Keralite's subconscious with education and a little bit of communism, people identified the spiritual aspect in myths without confusing it much or believing magic to the core. But eventually, when people from other states pored in, blindly believing the myths and magical stories, the whole spiritual system turned out as the most profit making sector for government...

102 people died and more than 50 injured...who should be held responsible? I don’t believe in blindly blaming the government for insufficient security measures. Our police force is not that big to cover all the hills around Sabarimala.

Sabarimala is a shrine and people go there as pilgrims. Pilgrimage is a spiritual journey that renders the essence of values and virtues that a man should absorb in his character and life... like respecting others, discipline, patience, and much more. But I don't think any of these pilgrims understood it, if so, this incident could have never occurred...

Instead of understanding the true purpose of the Sabarimala pilgrimage, people go there believing the gimmicks and myths...

Why can't people believe that God existed everywhere...Is it that difficult to realize???

God is trust. It's a pillar to lean. It's a shore that we trust with prayers, aspiration, and much more...I am no one to question it nor I believe it as something to be questioned…BUT…Humans should be rational. We should try to understand and differentiate what is right and wrong, true n false...

All religions in this world are based on stories, myths, allegories, and metaphors ...It's a mix, that’s how it is...We all know that. We should accept the myths, religion, and everything with a rational heart...All stories and myths that rotate around religions are like bedtime fables which are written for us, to understand the morals, virtues, and values...

But now all the stories are applied to market "divinity"...
Religion is for spreading hope not for selling hope for wholesale and retail prices!!!!!!!!!!