Tuesday 2 August 2011

What can frustration do to you???

We all get frustrated about different things at different times in different situations... Reasons can vary from the pathetic administration of our government to the peer pressure that demands us to stretch over our limits ...it can be a traffic block, a bad-mouthed friend, a boring job, limited income, family pressure, or a small fight with your partner... It is how we all react to helplessness...when we feel stuck, we are frustrated...:(

And the result it creates is worse .. Headache, bad temper, distorted biased decisions, feeling useless n worthless, unhealthy eating habits which can also be expensive to your pocket, unable to concentrate nor able to find anything good about what you are doing... A total "meaningless" attitude will creep into your brain, heart, and finally to your soul....it will first make you angry, then sad, then confused, and finally distant towards reality...

Is it good? I can say frustration is good only for those few who can turn it into positive action or else it is depressingly negative...

I went through so many articles which claimed to help controlling frustration but to be very frank it was simply a waste of my time. It suggested methods on how to escape or make us blind towards something we wanna shout loud...like listening to music, speaking to your friends or sleep..!!! So I genuinely started thinking of options other than escapism...and don't read further if you expect me to answer... I m not... First, of course, I tried escapism but it simply asked me to forget what worries me and finally I ended up forgetting who I am!!! So plz don't go for it... Next, I tried reading philosophical books that claimed to give answers but I was simply more confused...so I ended up following a method of expressing my frustration in simple ways...like writing comments, blog, or reacting loud when I ought to rather than trying to be blind...I decided to keep a small journal to list of positive things I did and it did work for me... I can't change the world and its bad things myself so I simply changed grumbling how bad the world is... I wish to do what my little hands could do and what my small position in this world could carry...I simply don't wanna regret thinking I missed doing something worth coz I was confused or unprepared.... :) this is my way and of course, it all depends on how much you can contribute to the betterment of the world we live in...and plz Dnt Choose to be blind ... You might be called as sweet and innocent by your family and friends if you remain silent and smiling but don't u feel unworthy?????


  1. Why do u stress on the words positive and negative. The more you classify thoughts and things to be positive and negative, the more you worry about your own thinking pattern. The stress here should be given to the word worry. It's very much human to get all kinds of thoughts, may u term it negative or positive. Beyond the nature of the thought, how long do you spend on worrying over it should be counted. You can take real advantages of many negative thoughts with simple mental exercises. If you just train ur brain to think in a pre-defined line by noting down the so called positives, u r loosing the joy of freedom of thought. Try letting your thoughs fly around the way they go, let them fly around you, see how a lil thing called brain can amuse you in varied ways. Deviating, filtering and controlling thoughts are actually not helping you live or overcome frustrations. They just satisfy a conscious that you have developed over the years. There is a long thought distance between the envisaged you and a different you. Discovering such LEVELS (i know u disagree to this word particularly) can enthrall you, and let you control ur emotions. Yes, I mean your own emotions. And you will not have to try out any more escapisms to help you jump out of frustration. Frustration will jump out by itself.

    Now, call me mentally retarded.

  2. I stress the word +ve and -ve coz i always felt the difference....We need not sit n count on what we worry or how much we worry but still its better when we can make something good out of what we worry about...i don believe that when you let your brain think too much -ves its " freedon of thoughts"... once we start thinking -ve it will eat your happiness or cheerful nature ... like a black hole....Evryone will have sumthin or other to worry n be sad..so better to get over it as something normal.. when u try to b cheerful n positive we are turning our mind tension free.. Then we r giving our brain/mind a fresh air to think n space to fly!
    I prefer fresh air to a dull gloomy room!!

    And about levels..ye, as u know..i disagree!!!! why you wanna classify people and put them on different levels depending on what they like or enjoy...Its all based on some social norms created by some people at some point of time based on what they thought..Its high time that we move out of this thinking pattern..and accept that different peopel enjoy different things...just coz so called intellectuals enjoy a book it doesnt mean all those who enjoy that book are in a higher level..if a person really wanna enjoy his/her life its should be designed by him/herself rather than society...

    Then just one line about escapism...When i discard a dress i didnt like or which i think it doesnt suits me , its not escapism...Its a realization on what i really want or what make me more comfortable!! :)

  3. To think free, doesnt mean that u think only abt the so called negatives. It just means to think of all of it, without holding anything back, may it be negative or positive. And the methods by which you want to enforce your thoughts in physical action, yes, it's good to be selective there. Worrying or feeling sad isn't anything unantural. It's just a part of the very thing called life. There's no fun in keeping sadness away. I might get bored travelling long on a fourlane straight highway. There should be some curves, mud road, sharp turns and inclines to keep the travel experience exciting.

    You dont have to classify "people" saying he belongs to one level and she to another. There is a clear difference in the expressions "Wow, I enjooooyed the show" and "yea, the show was kind of good". There's nothing wrong in inviting someone to a possible greater joy, if you think the other person "could" (not would) enjoy it. Everybody is a reflection of the society around him or her, unless he or she puts in the required thought effort to comprehend more. Applies to joy, applies to many other things, and intellectual to me is a funny word.

    What you have told is not really escapism, rather it is a great attitude. "To hell with it, i dont like it" is fine, if u really dont like it. However, there is nothing wrong in trying it out, or attempting it, if you somewhere have a feeling that you are staying out of it while you are unsure of the 'like' part.

    By the way, it's good to react to something you dont like, as you said in this post. But dont stop thinking over it pleeease. this comment for example, yell "bloody NEGATIVE COMMENT" and when the frustration has left u, think. ;-)

  4. hey, sorry, it's me again. Wanted to make a point foolproof. Abt the enjoyment part. How would you invite a person who doesnt know the rules of cricket to a one day match. Would you just ask him to come with you, or tell him the rules of cricket first, give him some guidance to get some stuff to read about it, and then take him with u? And in both the cases, do u really think that there cannot be any difference in that person's watching experience? Or do you feel he should watch some 10 matches and learn it all first hand?

