Saturday 23 July 2011



As usual I ve decided to blog everyday..Hope this time I ll stick to my decision…

11 am..Saturday…

I am still in my sleepy shrug trying hard not to fully wake up ;)..Sleeping is such a beautiful state and that too in mornings…I love sleeping and for me waking up is always a big mess, be it 5 in the morning or 12 in the afternoon….;)
oh I gota go..will finish this in the evening…

6 39 pm….one thing I love about the place I stay, is this big balcony..just now I came back from temple and glad that this cool wind adding to my peaceful feel..:)…Sun just disappeared and what left is only a golden glow with yellowish red layer…Even that could lit up our small earth and our big life…;)
It was raining from morning …rain is like a magic , I always wonder how can such a 100% scientifically explained process can look this much mysterious and mystical…might be the beauty and fury make us forget facts..he he

Here all thinks of rain as a mess …From the time I can remember the only thing that I hate about rain is I ve to carry an umbrella…It can be my mom or my friend , but I am sure and used to get scolding for forgetting it , very often ;)..

I ve read so much about how a person feel when he/she is moved to a city from the safe cocoon of home …I should agree, it is very much true…not everything applicable to all but still the confused feel of being in a place which is strange and far, still our own…where we try to make the best out of ourselves…where we feel like the place to prove…but with a feeling that someday we gonna miss this life which we still cant identify as good or bad ..Somehow accepting the fact that we are away from where we should or ought to be…But still clinging coz we love it…confused? No wonder! Me too…Anyway I am not gonna edit n rewrite..coz that’s exactly what I feel ;)

Its now almost 2 years that I started living in this city…sometimes I love this hurry mode and sometimes I long for a slow paced world…As I read somewhere we all are stuck in two worlds…Almost everything you hate is what basically you love the most…except food ;)

I ve seen many people falling into negative pits of thoughts just bcoz they got tooo much confused…I don’t want you or me in that…;)…
So only thing we can do is to smile and face the life, with no regret … if you ever felt like you are a mistake and started the habit of too much regretting…just stop n think..As we all believe, someone up there ve decided everything and we are just dice with which he play games…(It is always good to ve someone to blame ;) he he )

Now it’s totally dark except the light from my lappy…so let me too wind up for today and get my hot yummy soup dinner ;) oh! I forgot to update…That’s my new diet secret recipe!! ;)
Goodnight 

1 comment:

  1. oooohh.. secret recipe for one who wnts to bee slimm.. :)
