Sunday 24 July 2011


Today I got one more request… Google Plus…Another social networking site!!!!!!
It is introduced by Google and reported to have more exciting features and applications than our favorite Facebook ….Its predicted by many to beat the popularity of FB in the coming days …I might have doubted this prediction but I remember how me n my friends said “ FB is stupid ,100% non user friendly and boring”… And now all these people who showered negative comments including me are checking FB every hour or sometimes even more..;)
So who can say what we gonna like next!!! 

Ye, I joined ;)…Once upon a time I liked our old Orkut, now I am a humble fan of FB and tomorrow ..?… …changes of interest do happens, u know…he he…So let us wait n see…

As all of you might have thought, I too always think ‘what makes FB so popular n addictive ?’.There is a movie based on the true story about how FB happened… and that movie was really nice …It’s truly said, FB satisfy our interest to know what’s happening in the lives of people whom we know…;)

Is it the only reason? Of course no.…One of my friend was saying he moved to FB coz he get more comments for his pics in FB than Orkut!! So is it the quick comments we get for our actions one of the reason? Or are we people forgetting to appreciate our friends/family/collegues face to face …finally making people crave for attention and appreciation??

Or are we considering Facebook as a stage to showcase how much happy/ successful /enviable we are?

The most positive aspect of FB which I like the most is, it makes my favorite good bye note - “Keep in touch” – as something easy to promise 

All these or might be more, can be the reason we like FB …But I truly believe these sites helps ourselves to realize the importance of appreciating and encouraging our friends …the basic theory that we get what we give …. To open up our expressions and opinions as funny comments at least… And finally to develop a feeling as a closely knit community , which I believe as the super choice rather than keeping a list of old friends n new friends , ex colleagues n colleagues, family n relatives which we always forget to contact !

So don’t think twice before pressing the “Like” button to something you like or to comment something which we feel like expressing loud…It really makes one person smile and that smile you can be assured to get back one day 


  1. mmmm... gud keep it goin dear... smebdy will be readin all these... i donno hw to blogg... may be its just like keepin an online diary..

    've oly read tech blogs till nw.. nd really cant believe i've been with one who is a lil serious in this kind of bloggin..

    ye ye ye.. smtimes it may be borin becs pepl wont be willing to spend sme time ( their vaaaluable time) readin others post unless they are "smebdy" specl to them..(hey dnt stare at me.. kk..)

    nd about g+ nd FB... lets wait nd watch... FB will not sit there simply cheerin the victory of g+ like what our poor orkut did to fb.

    FB is fun... have to be lil careful addin frnds.. tats all.. dint get mch time using g+.

    I use gmail more nd g+ is linked to that... sounds threatening to FB.. who knows.. change is thrillin.. but is it really thrillin... after tat long day at office.. uhhh.. may be i'll stick with FB... I'm too lazy

  2. whtttt.. no posts for this longg.... no thats not fair aths..

  3. whtttt.. no posts for this longg.... no thats not fair aths..
