Thursday 20 December 2007

we r really brave n wise!!!! again with handful of words to express a sea of thoughtss..hmm...i never ever started typing with this much confused mind ..i ve written when i ve nothin in my mind but nw when i ve got somethin to say i fell short of words....can i call it is something differnt ..may be not..ok let me stop myself f rom beating round d bush...
i was busy with some books dat i couldnt catch up some time to add something to dis little space of mine..n really happy to kno dat i ve got some readers too...

...evry second we r planning strategies for resistance...what do u think abt dis...hey don read fast..think...does any code striked??????...when i read dis i first thought it as life evryone is trying in someway or other to find newer wiser n right methods for resisting something they don like...thats ,d right kind of resistance dat it gves d desired result...don start staring at this words ..not written by me anyway..he he...from Arundhithi roy's "an ordinary persons guide to empire"...i would consider it as a book that disturbed me a lot..its all about how the human rights of millions are thrashed by an unquestioned empire for just feeding its greed..n all d resistance people show are on this world of globalization neoliberlisation( n what not!!) can we call poverty a crime..a destiny for some..donno..may be...but when i read those pages i felt so much energy to react n when i closed d book i found myself helplesss...just HELPLESS....the emptiness of life gets u filled with such a feeling that you find yourself behind somany closed doors n chained cages....if i start writing about that book i could fill pages..but i don think that actually matters much for anyone ...we all know whats happening around but we donno d right way of resistance ,right way of reacting...but if u get time n got intrest do read d book..i assure it s not very much intresting like a fiction but it have got something in "substance"..n after u finish u wont feel like spending time on a dumb book..their is nothing new but the way it make you feel is defently new...anyway i felt something dats new to me..after i read dat book i couldnt spend more dan 5 minutes on a fiction!!!how could i read something dat doesnt make me equipped to face d world...d real world..
its really d man n his complex mind dat matters or d society n sufferings .....may be both....anyway am not goin to drag on the topic as some of u may have guessed "empire means US."...this world of us is in a real mess..atleast i hope we all ll be luckly selfish enough to live happily in our safe n secure space...but is it right???to feel uncared undisturbed n unmoved when millions are suffering cos we r silently obeying n approvin a system that even we don agree with...we r withour glowing star guiding us safe ...but can we just ignore the painful pitiful cry of millions who don ve a piece of cloth to cover their bleeding wound..who don ve strenghth to utter a cry...countless children who don even understand what is happeng except the pain they feel coz of hunger n wounds...cant we do something..atleast a small giving some NGOs an d charity trust some donations are we trying to wash off our responsiblity....when we tastliy chew a choclate n laugh their are millions who only kno the taste of hunger,touch of pain n smell of blood n fire...waiting prayfully for the slow painful death....thats their only escape....

am got class of consumer behaviour..How consumers behave before making a purchasing decison..very important for a MBA graduate...why people make so many fuss before making purchase of some goods ..why cant we spare a little time before accepting ideas that r forced to us by someone who only know the word of business money n power...are nt we wise enough??????may be weee r toooo wise n realllllyy brave!!!!!

Sunday 30 September 2007

lock urself....

hiiii,,,,,,again a small gap na?but its ok .....small gaps always gives us a space to breath n thnk,,,so its meee,,back again with lottt of newwwww thoughtssss nn brightttt colourss,,don wonder why am typin everythin twicee,, far as iknow i ll truely say there is no other reason dan a naive joy to press dis keys ,,he.. he ,ok let me come to d truth nt much subjects to talk abt,,, as ive lotof time in hand n as i don feel like slepin nor readin anythin,..n freinds also bein very busy sleepin ,dis s d only option left for poor me, once again divin into my favourite world...........wat will write abt???? ...ok .............i had found a very nice snap sec i ll show dis d one....wat do u thnk abt dis....dull....i ll rather call it ....
.locked up memories!!!!
hw will we feel if we ve nothin to remeember....nothin sweet nor sad to moments to human we all ve dat ..moments..but wat if we forget everythin...doctors call it Alzhemier...a small degradation of some of d cellss which we r unknown abt...hw can it all be me its just like death..a person who was alive ..who was in flesh n bones..sudenly goes..where he go..why he on eknows..just like dat memory dies...hooo..wat a situation!!even wen i forget small small things i worry a lot, screamin at myself..ohhh hw cud i 4get daattt...but can u ver imagine a situation wen we r blank..nt even knowin dat we have 4gotten somethin or everythin.....its nt evrythinreally...for those who r affected they can memorise some snapshots from their life n thats all wat dey ve gott....but hw dey ll be feelin..don dey get confusedd..hw much irritated dey might feell...d frustration distress anxiety....pathetic...truly patheticc... whyyy whyy all diss.....i always believe in d quotes" whatever happens happens for gud"but there r points in our life where we stand puzzled not knowin hw to justify all dat happens around....n just wat to think abt all is easy for us to go on forgettin all dis...that too a special gft ...... moving away from all dis ..pushin all dis thoughts back to d confused clutter rooms in ourselves....let all those chaos stay there...strawl forward searchin for peace n happiness.....hope dat we ll ever find dat....(if 4getting somethin means happiness then we can all be happy..thats life..d bare truth.. .)

Thursday 13 September 2007

nothin much....

a bit tooo long gap i don think it will make any differnce...afterall am goin to write and it was always
ye,am nt in a gud mood either to write nor to read anythin ..but as i always said i hate to sit idle..thats why tuk dis page to scribble somethin n don thnk i cud do it in a nice way...i was actually plannin to spend dis day to read something n tuk lot of buks frm library but ...donno don feel like readin..yday finshed a buk."half a life "by v n naipaul..gud wrk though nt feel comfortable with d basic is simple n expressive...hehe..don think who is dis gal to crticize a nobel prize winner....anyway am a reader of dat buk gt d right to like it n turn it down...just like we say beauty lies in d eyes of beholder ..dis likeness also lies in d character,perception,attittude and outlook of d reader....d buk was crowded around a single character who himself is unclear abt himself and his extraction of a character frm d days of indian independence..who saw himself as a stranger from all the great happenings in d world ..who strayed away from india in d name of education..who got a spirit tangled with conflicts of missionary education and indian culture...who spend a life in d great britan n in africa..n frm wat i gathered he gt nothin out of his experience...n neither we....simply a life..wat d character missed is he never ever get surprised of anything..hw can it b possible?..everythin comes in d way ..he accepts it..he decides as he go ...n never, not even in a single moment he is surprised...nt successful ..nt a failure..n simply nothing....i doono..anyway its nt my kind of cake...but readable ...

donno wat the hell am goin to write in dis page today...feel so much disturbed...
but not goin to say bye..i ve some more time in hand ..n nothin much to do..its almost 7 30 now..n ve to go n ve that too nt very much invitin....he he.....its raining outside n may be a walk can do some wonder to me....let me try ...
i always held a passion for books n love to read..i feel irritated wen people say as though they r boasting "i don read" is just like a am i to say dat...intrest differ..individual prefernces differ...i always think i shudnt crticize people who r diffrnt frm me..but it may be human to luk with suspicion at those who r nt an exception...he he...
.den too i like people who read..somehow i always assign a lot of respect to dem even if dey r nothin to d world..for me readin a buk is like goin thru a differnt experience...its living another ones being too much empathetic?he he...hope nt...but its nice to ve a feel of feelin a little grown up after reading a gud buk..
ohh..friendss callin me..let me rush upp..bye bye..

Friday 3 August 2007 again!!wat to do...he he...i was searchin to change the blog template n decided nt to...nw its good...anyway better dan d options provided here...this is wat i liked...i dint like green much but my brother loves it lot..but as i said i was searchin for a mustard coloured template..he he/...thats my fav shade..thats wat i ve gav to my room too...he he...dareing na??he he...veryone say so...but i like..wats more to lukkk....

ohh...nwdays sittin alone is turning to be really borin n infact i never sit alone..that may be y i 4get wat it wud be like if i sit alonne in some place..if the place luks gud..i ll be happyy..he he...even if it s not i ll b ok...but i never feel bad...
am nw sitin in my hostel room near its really beautiful to luk outside.misty mountains n cool breeze...always givin a new space to breath n think....don ask me wat i thnk ..i donno...but its nice to sit n just to think wat to think..he he...ohh i gettin a little bit crazy ..may am nt goin to stopppp...its like dat na..nothin evr ends it always go..its only wat we think change...he he..n thats it..evrything will change .. i m nt continuing like sec..let me check if i cud upload some pics...
don think am simply wastin time .in between am reading news ok?ibn live....he he...i like dat too..but am really poor in memorizin president for india...nice...a woman!! changes but lets pray not to let dis too be one more political drama....anyway thats wat i got frm my little knowledge....women are being pushed to upfront nt to gve respect or nt thinkin dat dey can lead us better but just to play some political games hiding behind dem....anyway..we wann some gud leaders..n d leaders we r ving r gud leaders but nt gud for our country....but our country will grow coz we ve dat human potential n synergy no other country cud boast off....changes ll come ...chnages r d only thing that gt no chnage...quotes...nt my words but frm some great mind...its true..
.time fly pretty fast....wen i read d news of prathibha patel our new president i had some pictures flashin ....d day abdul kalam gt d presidential position....i was sittin with achen in d sitout glancin through d pictures n makin comments abt his hair n blue shrt which he always wear..he he.....n nw ....oh missin all thos silly jokes n talks...i never read newspaper with full leaves..wen i read i used to spread it around..n pick one by one.he he..n d most funnything is dat d only page i neve ever bothered to luk was "business page".....n nw ......thats d only page am supposed to luk ..n that may b y i totally left d idea of readin newspaper...he eh a secnd yr mba regrett att allll.....all bg decisions in my life were takn pretty fast n nothin much ve let me down...
changes are inevitable ....accept it in d way dey come..sometimes difficult ,sometimes drastic..sometimes we dont even kno dat all depends....n it all happens.....thats life...simply life is a string of changes....chnaging places.chnaging faces.changing ages,chnaging emotions,changing character,changing likings.........n it goes on changin n changin...
but we shud ve a little control ovr dis coz gve ourself sometime to adjust n adopt..d same age old formula..gve some to your to your to your dreams .space to your actions .....den we cud do everythin better....
donno wat all things am writing ...but i like to write..n njoy writing all this without stoppin to think what to write ..its like a game ....he he...always do things that make you happy ..n keep in mind dat it never make others unhappy....thats d simple lines for a simple life n if u wanna do somethin better make others happy along with you....i nvere think that making urself unhappy u can make others happy..its just hiding your feelings..its not right..u never kno d value of what u gve unless u kno d value only a happy person can make others luks like a jingle of"happy jam"he he.....oh..felin a little hungry nw..didnt ve lunch...hw can i ve lunch den i was sooo worried wat i did in xam ...n felt really,i felt really sad..wats wrong in admittin dat...m..but am feeling really better..anyway thats over na...this s wat i ve done n nw s rest is with god.....let my prayers reach there on d right ears....
oh..nw only i checkd, planning to sendin d post, n found no net me write some more...its really a nice thing to write anyway... of my friends awoke n playin a nice song....really nice ...kabhialvidanakehana....never say good bye....really meaningful dat song verymuch....i don like saying gudbyes ...its like sayin ..never to c again....always parting is painful...for me its really hurtin as i gve a lot of importance to a lot of silly silly things i c around.... that may b why i ve my cupboars full of small small things ..i still ve those small scribbling paper pieces which we used to pass during our classs in plus two, degree n always get a lot of scolding frm my mom for keepin all junks in my room..he he....but dont u think its nice.. ....d way i felt when i accidnetly saw an old phyiscs notebook with all naughty dotty scriblings ..n a small sketch of our teacher ...he eh.its simply soo nostalgic...... feelin a little sad dat all those things r too old dat u ve dumped it away...n u gone far away frm all those days...lot of changes had come along....n small smile coz its its so different nw....n suddenly feelin inspired n callin some old friends...just to say oh.i really miss all those days even amhappy nw.. i love dat feelin...thats wat i say to my mom wen she ask me to throw all those things away...for me me all that are nt silly n stupid ..but a world...a world where i livd ..hw can i throw dat away....??can i do datt??if i do dat i can neevr call myself like dis n i love being like dis....


mm..nt at all in a gud mood write somethin...2day had an exam n as u may guess it was terible..if that 20 marks qn was nt dis much simple i wudnt ve gt dis much hurt..i knew it n done all it...anyway i made a mess of it..calld dad n cried n hoo.. like dis ..wen am sad i wanna b at home...i miss my home very badly....u in hostel n first time in my life leaving a full yr away frm i ve copup with don ve much probz heree n infact ving lot of funn too...but somedays,sometimes,somemoments i really really wish i was there..with my ache,amma n etten...talkin n quarrelin abt simply nothin..he home am really annoyin..always doin somethin to irritate amma ,small small fights with etten,being a cmplaint box to achen.. he he..!!!but wtever i do i kno they understands me better dan anyone evn better dan myself..i lov dat feelin ..feelin of havin a sureity dat u r heard n u r understood by someone whom u really cares...i always place my family frst n am soo proud n happy dat i lov dem a lot morethan anythin....its all coz we r a wonderful family..wen we all 4 r doubt ..d happies moments for all 4...thats us...
ok..nt goin on much abt my ear ones..its simple like dis.."they r everythin to me"
today was a stupid day a messy xam in hand..hoo....eyy..i don wanna write abt thatttt...hushhhh
ok..den wat...u kno..i was nt at all planin to wrte somethin its only coz my buddies r quite busy with"sleepingg" n i ve nothin to doo...hope no one remeber dat my univrsity xamzz r goin on n i ve 4 more subjects to go..he he....leave it!!!!fed up with xam talks !!!!
anyway with 13 xamz ll b over n ll b steppin to the next semester!!...3rd sem!!!..anyway no more problem ppares i hope..i don like numbers ..wat can i do....i love words..i love colours.i love dark n light..i love poems n music..i love living beings n almost evrythin around...n is it my fault dat i don like numbers...its only dat .na??but if u kno maths its really somethin for people like me..i ll admire people who like maths....they ve to ve gt a lottt of patience n waitt dey shud b a little crooked tooo...he he....but as one of my frendz ve told me ..if u don lov maths maths wont luv u back...then dat relationship s over..crushed into dustbins!!!he don make maths understand dat u don like always with maths..hoo...hwwwwwww nast it will be...he he....but i am d same old me naa?don like maths n if its possible i ll touch dat only wen xaaaammzzzz beeps in...hmmm...
i love u kno why?dont u??ohh goshh...u r just like me/....he he..i donno why i like that colour..but like it...don thnk its very important i lov almost all colours ..more dan just callin dem colours let me call it shades....he myself wondering wat s actually am doin nw...again no answer....anyway i ve gt some "time"with me so let me spend it ..
i like books..n i used to read all kinds of buks frm stupid detectives to serious nw am takin buks frm library only to gve fines.nt evn gving d poor old thing a m prtty disappointed abt that new habbit of mine...its with intrest i take but i don ve time..luk evn nw i don feel like readin ..may b coz i love talkin more nwdays.again one more badhabbit ..hope i ll chnge
oh..battery loww..i ve to switch d systm current!!!!.ok byee..c u soonn...

Tuesday 24 July 2007

exam result..

hiiii....a small probz baack with my sillyyyyyyy thoughts...
today day!!!!1st sem results came...hoo....I ve never been this much tensed...and made soo many resolutions in seconds....he am in with good scores.. :)


Tuesday 17 July 2007

some more.."words"

Some of my friends told me that I am too much into the “rain” here…I know words feel so lifeless but what can I do? Let me be silent of those magic water beads…can I ?? silence too can speak so much..

Why our mind wanders. Are they clouds? Just a picture can turn in so many pages of our life back. A song can draw so many moments together. A smell can make someone alive before you…mm…great…we are wonder packets!
I love songs and enjoy music. They can give you rhythm which you are unknown in your life at least for a few minutes. That may be why everyone turns to their world when a nice song plays. Everyone has their moments to cherish, faces to remember and a world to miss. Can music bring back a life?? I've read many articles that say so. Music has got healing power, miraculous responses from various dying patients, and many pieces of research probing into those scientific backups and proofs. Studies are ongoing, developing newer and newer methods and techniques….mm…good!

But to me, music has nothing to do with medicines or illness. It’s a rhythm, a handful of meaningful words that can touch your heart strung together in beautiful notes making your mind wander more, making your foot tap unknowingly…making you miss something which you don't know…but filling in you calmness and joy ..making you more confident and giving you a feeling which you can't express…..
..hoo….I am going around and around. It's so simple and short, I like songs and love music because it gives me steady beats to breathe and think…ho..when I wrote the word “think” don't get a picture of a serious thinker. It's just making my mind wander in its way but with a definite rhythm….
Bye bye... have exams tomorrow ….should study something...let me go...otherwise I'll sit here scribbling all those silly (but big things for me)things ...Don't think anyone reading all this will ever imagine that I am a business student….hoo….but I am one… and happy to be one… It's all about how we see the world…

Dated July 16, 2007...Tuesday -2 49 pm……

Saturday 16 June 2007


Rain is everything to me. Loves it in every mood, every second...just, love it..the feeling it brings in is beyond expressions...

I am not much into photography. But once I came here, where ever I turn, I see beautiful frames, more than my mind could using my phone to capture what I love...

From my collection

This is where my campus starts. The world where I live now...Isn't it enchanting?

Look!!!!! How lucky to enjoy the mist-filled rainy days always (snap from my class ;))

...The charm it lenders make all speechless...

...Even a droplet can show us a world...

It's more green than it front of my tharavadu....

...and the nostalgic moments near our pond.....


Rain! Rain! Let it rain!
Let the rain wash away the pain.
No, the furious thunder never frightens me.
I see the flashing across the sky,
Not as my angry gestures.
But my dreams
That is kept inside.

Rain! Rain! Let it rain!
Let the rain wash off...
Make my dreams fresh.
Heavy raindrops,
Pouring down to the ground.
The fresh breeze let me smile...
That was held inside
Rain! Rain! Let it rain!
Rain! Rain! Let it rain!


Thursday 7 June 2007


I am back after a long gap of one month! I was a little busy with my project. Did my project in Bangalore. Had a nice time there with my friends...Every time I plan to scribble something here and something or other will come in between. Even now I am feeling sleepy...Now it's 11, I was sleeping from 5 till 8, still, I am sleepy! hoo.....what to do! here the climate is a little bit tempting. I never used to sleep in the day time but now it's all changed, but I am better than my friends..!!

I was planning to include some snaps and all in this post..but now not in the right mood...Got a bday girl next door..waiting to be 12.00..he he.. These are some new funs I learned in hostel life. It's so exciting to see a group of howling friends smashing tomato, egg, paste and what not tall over you...and bathing in icy cold water at midnight..hehe... a little bit scary too..but a big push to the new year...

I don't know how everyone feels on one's bday. I always use to make 100 resolutions which I sincerely promise to follow..but don't ask me what I did..but I like B'days...This year I am turning 21 ..!!
But do I feel any difference? Nothing so far...always the same me...Anyway, it is fun trying to feel the difference and finally realize it's quite impossible to feel anything... I might read this after 10 years and might realize that I changed. Sigh!! :)


Wednesday 18 April 2007

somethin special happend....

hoo heee heiiii......its meee...yesterday I couldn't complete what I was writing because of the 'sudden attack' from my friends. We had planned not to use laptops for one day and as usual I forgot and used the laptop...I've got such a wonderful memory that everyone is getting crazy about me ...ooppss crazy at me...he he....I am sometimes such an irresponsible person...not always ok? Not creating big problems but kutty kutty troubles...but what is life if there are no little trouble makers like me around...ohhh....I am not a trouble maker ok? I think am making a picture that I am a big troublesome girl....hope am not .....don't ask my friends ;)

Today was a nice day. I got a call from one of my old friends. She is now doing BTech. Felt pretty thrilled hearing her voice again, after so many years. She was taken aback when I recognized her from the first hi. See, my memory is not that much bad..he he...but it's the same voice I used to hear from childhood. She was my pal from 2nd std to 8...and after that, she went to Delhi with her parents and I lost touch...missed her a lot in those days and it was pretty difficult for me to place anyone else in her place...but...years made all those as just childhood memories...  Nowadays, I remembered her only when I saw the old snaps and old classmates...but when I heard her voice suddenly a lot of frames rushed could I forget her like that...she taught me to ride a bicycle and had a lot and a lot and a lot of fun together that I can never think of all that days without her along with me..always shouting at me...she always ordered and I never obeyed, fought over everything. When I laughed at each and everything around she was the type who took all the silly matters to her head. Only 10 min we talked. Don't even know where she got my number. Anyway, she is coming to Kerala, coming here for the first time after she left...long 8 years...she is so excited about coming here and sound so happy...why she took this many years to come back?? I don't...I never thought that she is coming here for the first time after she left and when I complained she was laughing and said it's for seeing me that she is coming... I felt thrilled...Did I missed her? I felt like I missed her all the way ...

How will she look like now? Will she recognize me?? Don't ve her email id. Anyway, now I've her number...and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow she is coming..n I can see her only after 28th ..hmmm... she is a single daughter and I don't remember her parents...I've seen them only very few times..she was with her grandmother...They took her to Delhi after her grandma died..she was the first one I gave my phone number and the first friend I talked through the phone. If I am going to scribble down each n everything, it's going to be too long. Now I am feeling so happy...

She doesn't even ask me why I didn't try to contact her...she was so excited to hear my voice and said my voice has changed and the only thing she can trace back to old me is my laugh! She used to call me athuusss....and the first thing she said is hii athuuuss... and it clicked....hooooo.... I know I am being a little bit over-excited...but what to do...I am like this...

And I like being like this.....How much stupendous and dry it will be if I am not having any feelings and emotions when I hear my friend's voice after 7 yrs...hooo.....thank god I am not like this...and thank god once more for making her also not like that. She said she will carry all the snaps of all the years we missed. I'll also show her my snaps...hoo..she'll b really surprised to see my snap with specs...ha ha...she had got specs and hated it like hell...and me always calling her "kannadykary" when she is irritates her like anything ....oohh...I simply remember all those moments so clear....oh I forgot to ask if she still wears it!

Byee..take care...Have to go to class....and today don't have anything else to write...and if I go on, I'll write only about us....


Tuesday 17 April 2007

one day..

One more day is vanishing, few hours left. No, I am not in a bad mood. I don't simply like some days to end. Sadly, each day passes so some it is happiness, for some, it is not 
But for me???? I don't leave that matter for now...

ye..what to write? was a very usual sort of day..but laughed a lot...don't even remember for what I laughed but, indeed, I didn't even get time to think about anything; just talking and talking with my friends. I love them a lot. I can't even think of a hostel life without them...hooo..

my roomies are my dearest. We all get together so well that sometimes we forget that we are in a hostel!!!!
ohh goshhhhh.....I have to go...will catch you later..will tell you the reason later...


Monday 16 April 2007

am back..

Hi, I am back again...only today I came back to my lovely campus after a little bit long holidays(10 days!)..enjoyed the days like a hell(heaven in my words) really missing home..ammu,achu n etten......ohh..look...just now ammu called..forgot to tell you all..ammu is my amma ie my sweet mom n achu is my darling dad......don't think I can go on writing now...tomorrow I've got a big assignment to complete and having classes, after the journey I am feeling really tired....its 3.5 hours journey...but I love traveling so when I travel I don feel like this...only after reaching somewhere I feel tired ;)
Journey to this beautiful place is always thrilling, sitting by the side window, feeling the cool wind caressing my hair...making me feel so free, relaxed and happy for simply's special, right??? And, if there is great!!! no....not today...If I am going to write about it now I ll b forced to bunk my class till the next blog bye....

... Anyway, now I am not going to write the assignment ;)....feeling sleepy..byeeeee goodnight..sweetdreamzzzz...:)

Monday 26 March 2007


Too late...feeling sleepy...but I do want to scribble something here. I've downloaded so many beautiful snaps, studied nothing...

I don't want to write like this..but as I said I want to write but I am feeling dizzy...mmmmmmmm...Wasted one more day...

Today I want to write something serious....but if I write it will be an absolute not wasting my time.....byee..goodnight...