Thursday 13 September 2007

nothin much....

a bit tooo long gap i don think it will make any differnce...afterall am goin to write and it was always
ye,am nt in a gud mood either to write nor to read anythin ..but as i always said i hate to sit idle..thats why tuk dis page to scribble somethin n don thnk i cud do it in a nice way...i was actually plannin to spend dis day to read something n tuk lot of buks frm library but ...donno don feel like readin..yday finshed a buk."half a life "by v n naipaul..gud wrk though nt feel comfortable with d basic is simple n expressive...hehe..don think who is dis gal to crticize a nobel prize winner....anyway am a reader of dat buk gt d right to like it n turn it down...just like we say beauty lies in d eyes of beholder ..dis likeness also lies in d character,perception,attittude and outlook of d reader....d buk was crowded around a single character who himself is unclear abt himself and his extraction of a character frm d days of indian independence..who saw himself as a stranger from all the great happenings in d world ..who strayed away from india in d name of education..who got a spirit tangled with conflicts of missionary education and indian culture...who spend a life in d great britan n in africa..n frm wat i gathered he gt nothin out of his experience...n neither we....simply a life..wat d character missed is he never ever get surprised of anything..hw can it b possible?..everythin comes in d way ..he accepts it..he decides as he go ...n never, not even in a single moment he is surprised...nt successful ..nt a failure..n simply nothing....i doono..anyway its nt my kind of cake...but readable ...

donno wat the hell am goin to write in dis page today...feel so much disturbed...
but not goin to say bye..i ve some more time in hand ..n nothin much to do..its almost 7 30 now..n ve to go n ve that too nt very much invitin....he he.....its raining outside n may be a walk can do some wonder to me....let me try ...
i always held a passion for books n love to read..i feel irritated wen people say as though they r boasting "i don read" is just like a am i to say dat...intrest differ..individual prefernces differ...i always think i shudnt crticize people who r diffrnt frm me..but it may be human to luk with suspicion at those who r nt an exception...he he...
.den too i like people who read..somehow i always assign a lot of respect to dem even if dey r nothin to d world..for me readin a buk is like goin thru a differnt experience...its living another ones being too much empathetic?he he...hope nt...but its nice to ve a feel of feelin a little grown up after reading a gud buk..
ohh..friendss callin me..let me rush upp..bye bye..

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