Thursday 20 December 2007

we r really brave n wise!!!! again with handful of words to express a sea of thoughtss..hmm...i never ever started typing with this much confused mind ..i ve written when i ve nothin in my mind but nw when i ve got somethin to say i fell short of words....can i call it is something differnt ..may be not..ok let me stop myself f rom beating round d bush...
i was busy with some books dat i couldnt catch up some time to add something to dis little space of mine..n really happy to kno dat i ve got some readers too...

...evry second we r planning strategies for resistance...what do u think abt dis...hey don read fast..think...does any code striked??????...when i read dis i first thought it as life evryone is trying in someway or other to find newer wiser n right methods for resisting something they don like...thats ,d right kind of resistance dat it gves d desired result...don start staring at this words ..not written by me anyway..he he...from Arundhithi roy's "an ordinary persons guide to empire"...i would consider it as a book that disturbed me a lot..its all about how the human rights of millions are thrashed by an unquestioned empire for just feeding its greed..n all d resistance people show are on this world of globalization neoliberlisation( n what not!!) can we call poverty a crime..a destiny for some..donno..may be...but when i read those pages i felt so much energy to react n when i closed d book i found myself helplesss...just HELPLESS....the emptiness of life gets u filled with such a feeling that you find yourself behind somany closed doors n chained cages....if i start writing about that book i could fill pages..but i don think that actually matters much for anyone ...we all know whats happening around but we donno d right way of resistance ,right way of reacting...but if u get time n got intrest do read d book..i assure it s not very much intresting like a fiction but it have got something in "substance"..n after u finish u wont feel like spending time on a dumb book..their is nothing new but the way it make you feel is defently new...anyway i felt something dats new to me..after i read dat book i couldnt spend more dan 5 minutes on a fiction!!!how could i read something dat doesnt make me equipped to face d world...d real world..
its really d man n his complex mind dat matters or d society n sufferings .....may be both....anyway am not goin to drag on the topic as some of u may have guessed "empire means US."...this world of us is in a real mess..atleast i hope we all ll be luckly selfish enough to live happily in our safe n secure space...but is it right???to feel uncared undisturbed n unmoved when millions are suffering cos we r silently obeying n approvin a system that even we don agree with...we r withour glowing star guiding us safe ...but can we just ignore the painful pitiful cry of millions who don ve a piece of cloth to cover their bleeding wound..who don ve strenghth to utter a cry...countless children who don even understand what is happeng except the pain they feel coz of hunger n wounds...cant we do something..atleast a small giving some NGOs an d charity trust some donations are we trying to wash off our responsiblity....when we tastliy chew a choclate n laugh their are millions who only kno the taste of hunger,touch of pain n smell of blood n fire...waiting prayfully for the slow painful death....thats their only escape....

am got class of consumer behaviour..How consumers behave before making a purchasing decison..very important for a MBA graduate...why people make so many fuss before making purchase of some goods ..why cant we spare a little time before accepting ideas that r forced to us by someone who only know the word of business money n power...are nt we wise enough??????may be weee r toooo wise n realllllyy brave!!!!!

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