Wednesday 1 March 2017

I don't know why I decided to blog now. I am at the office and loaded with work. I've to go early as I've guests at home and plan for dinner. I am a bit cross with my husband over things that we don't both understand ;) To sum up I am like a fully messed up soul today with a no-sleep headache to accentuate what I feel.

Suddenly I decided to hear songs. I am not a music person nowadays because I feel it makes me very soft which in turn crash the strong image I am trying to build up. But might be because the black tea couldn't solve my headache I started playing a song..and I m in love with the music and lines. It's all about a pair just falling in love..and how they see the world, with a lot of happiness.

Pure is this moment, Before the desire blooms, 
When the unseen dreams start to frame 
Will this moment and your face will always be there in my mind every day
not to be forgotten ever...

It's so true, the most beautiful moment is the time just before we realize that we are in love, it so pure in all aspects.. without plans, without future, without family, without character dissection, without anything to worry. It's pure and peaceful. that's happiness.

We all live trying to get the moment back, get that excitement, that fluttering back. Or hoping that it is still there...

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