Sunday 7 February 2016

I was on my way back from work, totally irritated at the traffic block and thinking anxiously on what to make for dinner. An aggressive road seller literally banged at my window, asking if I want the toys they made. I just glanced on my phone n avoided looking up..then again she banged , I waved my hands jestering I don't want..still she stood there showing the yellow teddy bear..I was disgusted thinking ' How could I buy a road selling teddy to my baby, it will have all the dust n he even might get an allergy...And what about the mateial its made off..No way am going to buy it...And who will be foolish enough to buy this' Cutting my thoughts, she again banged, this time more loudly,.."Oh! This I cant stand I have to scold her that she wont irritate anyone like this anymore!!" I rolled down my window with all the anger I could feel and then I saw two little eyes staring at me..only I noticed a bag like thing she attached to her saree and a baby was whinning softly from was a small baby, may be few months old or less...coated with dust and tired, might be crying for food...and was looking at me..I searched for my purse and meanwhile the signal changed ,  hones honking around me.. and I had to pull of my car...

I reached home..and when my son came running and wrapped his arms around me...I know he see all the goodness in me ; all the goodness as me...and what was left in me was pure guilt...

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