Tuesday 23 September 2008

step 1

We all are human.Its by sheer luck,blessing of a power which we bow our head, that we got all we have now.If we were born to a different family,if we were not protected by those who are around,if we are not healthy like this .Life wouldn’t be the same ..what we might have done with our life?
Whom v wud have turned for a help?Then we might also dream of someone who will help us to live forward…The child who sings in a bus might be praying to get one rupee when she comes near u..When we avert our glance,aren’t we looking away from ourselves..She is not there to show how gud she sings but to curb her hunger… ,Why we have to be so merceless about others?Is it coz we r lucky?or is it coz we r not realizing hw much lucky we r?Just think…..

Are nt we lucky that we could read this?
Aren’t we lucky that we don’t have to beg for food?
Are n’t we lucky that we don’t have to be scared of a night?
Arent we lucky that we have nice dress and sandals ?
Arent we lucky that we could walk talk hear and think,atleast??/
Think of someone who don’t have any of this…They too are living..in the same world,near us..everyday we r seeing them,everyday we change our glance from them
,we change our thoughts from their sadness to our happiness…from their colourless eyes to our colourful world.
Arent we supposed to do something to them?
When we don’t beat them…it’s a gud act
When we don’t despise them …it’s a gud act
When we don’t taunt and chase them…it’s a gud act

But are we capable only to do this much??
Why we learned only to close our eyes to distress ?
Why we don’t even bother to think about them?
Even if we think and sympathies , why we r not thinking about an option?
Why we think and put aside all this as life and fate?
Do you think we r dat much incapable?

You fell down n couldn’t stand up .. den ur friend says “ ohhhh soooo sad ..what a pity my dear” n not even giving u a hand…what u ll get out of that? What u ll feel about ur friend?Will u think “oh hw gud she is.. in her heart atleast she could sympathise with me’

Feeling sorry is good but it is useless if you don’t act.
Don’t ever think you are good because you pity others.
Don’t ever think you are good because you are sensitive
Crying for others is good but what use those tears make?
Tears never check their hunger neither pain
Tears pacify ourselves ,only ourselves….

It all make sense only when you dare to ACT

What a human need is not pity nor sympathy but “help” a “support”.It may not be monitory ,it can turns out be anything that comes under “help”..n as I wrote earlier..money is very crucial for us n just like that for others too..so in this issue we cant ignore the importance of financial assistance .
But foremost thing is the willingness of each of us to ACT ...not money, not power or age .

First step ,
Be ready to act for a good cause .Fill yourself with positive thoughts ..open your eyes wide.we have lot more to see…..
Believe , without restraining your happiness and interests you could help others.




  1. very true.....v all will have to make efforts in our domain to reduce facilitate the underpriviledged....

    simple question which keeps on striking me "why v r here and why they r there"////

    God bless

