Tuesday 23 September 2008

new thoughts

Same rays pouring in
Waking me up tetchy
My cozy pillow alluring me more

Prayers, plans n plans
Cold splash shaking my spirit
Combing my lazy hair

Starting out one more day

Words n colors inviting
To charm me up in there world
Oh! I have got a different list
What I like is always a doubt
Troubling me round and round
That again left to life
Always the easy way to choose

Bubbling friends filling the days
Cracking jokes twisting lips
Troubled mind stare me in wonder

Same days passing
Making me feel strange

A fresh wind full of snowy mist
Dripping me fresh
Calm thoughts sliding in
I waited for a change

Once more the rays poured in
Woke me up tetchy
With my cozy pillow to allure me more....

Alone in my dreams i walked fast
To reach a destiny i am sure of..
Sandy wind and burning sun
Paved me the way ..
Gone are the days of colors,mist and greeny valley.

Time Woke me up from my favourite dream
Everything looked strange and new.

Faceless heartless the world is
Pushing me to smile with my crushed tears ..
Clueless i stood..watching the show..
Where i have no role to play
Waiting for a slot,never written for me
Which i took long to realize..

Leaving the stage behind
i touched the sand to float me away
away and away ..far away from this land..

Life is a bird with different wings to fly..we have to yet understand whether if it is ourselves who choose this wings or some other selects for us…Anyway we change this wings just like we change our directions .
In our life,when we reach a point ,where we stare with wonder how to move forward ..…When we feel that colors are slowly fading …emptying yourself into vacant thoughts ..n what left is blankness..
-A change -in thoughts,perspectives n priorities –is the only remedy. ..

I was talking about my blog to one of my friends n was thinking how could make this page helpful to atleast some..i had thought about it 1000 times n finally I will crush my thoughts with the answer-am writing for myself and not for others.n why I should be bothering about that!!-..ok let it be like that…If anyone have any new ideas ,I do welcome .oky???

I always tried to look life as a game ,where I have to play my roles well. And of course, I feel strange n confused when the response I get for my actions are different from my expectations .I always defines this responses as the outcomes of some external factors which I could not explain. But u know,I confronted with some situations recently which proved myself to be wrong.In our life we have lot of situations which we simply handle wrongly n carelessly .At that time all that things appear very casual n very natural.When we face the problem ,we get confused n depressed not knowing the reason nor the solutions.Later ,when we sit peacefully n think ,we understands how the situations might have made simple if we had been a little more careful earlier.
Success of a person is simply based on the rightness of the decisions he make. Everyday, Everyhour we are making decisions one after other ,to do something,not to do something n so on.Whatever we think, we will have alternatives in our mind.Whatever we choose,surely there will be something which we had avoided.Even if we choose the wrong one or the right one at the bottom of heart ,our decision will be questioned till we get the right/desired response And the funniest thing is that 90 out of 100 will choose to follow the one that seems easy and appealing at present.
When we take some decisions it is really very easy to get the right choice.a)if we select something n if we r thinking about excuses to avoid the other one b)if select one and we r thinking about excuses to select the other one.
Then be sure that that second one is the right one because right may not be very appealin at present nor easy to follow. Its human instinct to choose the easy one and psychologically everyone will try hard to make ourselves believe that the easiest one is the wisest choice.
Sometimes it might be true too but life is not that much simple.
In short, Shortcut for success in life is not taking shortcuts in life.

For fools,life appears to be too simple to live coz they r living in fools world where fun n food are the only things that matter.
But we have to think about others too na?

Do you know what the present day problem is?Number of this fun loving fools are increasing that ,they think others are fools!!!Finally the people who stand in between or the young ones get confused about who the real fools are and whom they have to follow.
This is where our world stands now.
Helo!!!!!Some ,surely have to help them out ..Dont force anyone to accept anything but atleast give them space to think and act rather than pushing them to follow someone else.
Let them decide to which category they wanna be.

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