Friday 14 March 2008


Never in my life I felt so bad, being in a temple…I was frightened, I was confused ,I was disturbed ,I was ..I was literally blank in myself…
For me temple is d place of relief. .d place of calmness. .where every voice n noise, breeze n wind, rain n light ,got d power to pour rays of hope into your soul...rhythms dat soothes ur heart…chants makin u feel transperent..
..where I always keep my heart pure..where I always try to b my best…
evry steps we take is counted n ….…where we get lot of peace n calmness…an assurance of happiness n bright invisible strength makin u feel better…
But…dis time it was different…………i saw lot of eyes ,with full of despair n hopelessnss written all over their face ..raising deir hands wen someone walks near ..dey might nt b hungry as dey get fud frm temple…but d life dey ve…wat dey might be xpectin to get?few shining coins of a world which castd dem away..most of dem r ill or old or too young ..
i saw a man with fish like scale coverin his skin…wat all thoughts he might ve in his heart,,,wat he might b praying…his life… pain of living…...we r waining over silly things asking god why dis to me but why are we not realisin dat we r v usually see in junk forwards “ we r blessed..” i was not shocked to c such people in dis world but … d way d life has treated dem ,..its ssoo badd ....dey were cheated of their everyone..even by d almighty,,,,why so much much pain..nt d physical pain alone but d mental agony he might b sufferin ….amma told me some disease caused because gods r displeased !!!!!I was d god dis much cruel…NO.. dat cant be d right answer…nevr d right answer. …I was hurryin to get out of that place..wen I prayed I cudnt resist tears.why god?why all dis happens to one of us…n why d world including me treat dem like dis..n everythin goin in a flow dat we feel dat v cant do anythin..again d feelin of helplessness clutchin…I remembered d moral of an old story..god give some ,richness n happiness,some, poverty n pain ..d duty of man is to share ..if v r nt ready to share bein a circle,wen v stand in pain no one will b with us to share their happiness…

Everyone is in search of their own their own way some knowingly some unknowingly…everyone wants to kno d secret of life..secret of human existence..secret of all supernatural powers..secret of gods n demons…..why ? how?..
Vivekananda said…don’t be attached to anything..evrythin dat man does n shud do, is his duty ..his his karma in d very best way he cud ,don thnk of rewards,don thnk of punishments…don be attached to anything ..nothin belongs to you n nothing will ever be…find d inner spirit where v cud find answers of everythin…be a seeker of knowledge…get d knowledge nt frm outside but from inside..from ur inner soul..where d real god live,,,d true bliss n peace will only stay where we ve d light of true spirit…let the inner fire glow…burning all our doubts.worries…evoke your spirit through concentrating your mind ..fill your thoughts with positive things dat make others happy ..emotions are transmitted ..when we r happy dat energy will spread..wen others r happy u naturally feel better…fill urself with positive notes.
Don’t blindly follow others but make some time to listen n observe….
Life is just a circle,everything in dis universe is a circle..we end where we start…sufferings n happiness are just two state of being ..don be too much into ur pains … dat ll never cease it but only burns it more…lot others ve gt much more worsen life..dey r livin it..dey r goin thru it..cos dey r strongr nt by birth but by a life have got much more value dan we know or realize..its nt always about- be happy by ourself..thats for it no one else cud live ur life…explore your life cos good,be good n don’t forget to define “good “ by yourself othrwise you ll feel chained….let ur life breath free!!!

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