Friday 7 December 2012

November 1

I fell in love with him in the first sight itself.. I could feel the cords inside me strain when I heard his voice eyes were moist and I was sure that pain has nothing to do with life there r some moments which clearly express the meaning of some words.. For me the exact word was' overwhelmed' ...I was overwhelmed with joy, excitement ,surprise,tension and little prince ...

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Post Created Feb 1, 2012 12:54:13 AM

Again I am in bus n Luckly got a side seat.. I love traveling.. But the thoughts of pending work at home spoiling the thrill ;)
It's getting dark so quick..I m little scared to go home alone from bus stop... But today I have to .. My kutty ego ;)
My lips are getting dry coz of this cold weather.. After a long time I talked with my friend n felt strange .. Earlier I used to b d same way I talk but now am finding hard to get a match between my thoughts words and action..earlier I was bold n strong .. Now am giving up , starting to feel timid , insecure and worried ... I don't like me this way.. I am being a dependent nagging silly girl which I really hate to admit.. Hmm.. Hope all this is a passing stage n soon I ll b back to myself...:) till then I am making myself and my sweet hubby suffer hehe ;)

a day

I am married .. Before ten years that words meant nothing to me other than a new dress n jasmine garlent stuck to my short hair.. as I grew up marriages turned to be colorful crowd and later it was something sweet that waits for me.. Last few years it was a horror coz my family looked at me and sympathized about being 24 and single...last few months it meant love and excitement .. Finally I m here married an Indian working house wife....

Now , I am in bus traveling back from office..I was preparing a small grocery list in my iPhone .. N seeing so many " sale" boards around I miss my single days...Reached my stop .. Bye for now ..