Tuesday 16 August 2011

Back from home

Hey, I am back from home...

Back from home or back to home... Too often my FB status shifted between these two that finally none of my friends bothered to comment or like..;( but for me its always a double like...:)

Bus reached late and i was too happy to finally have a genuine reason to take leave ;)

With a book in one hand and remote in other hand i am winding up this afternoon ...

Ye it reminds me that i am back from the safe cocoon of my home and watching all these nonsense happening in our " great" nation.

i am feeling so bad that i am in a corrupted and timid world where everyone waits for another to act and react...why we all are taught to be scared???...i really wish for a change, like many...

At least we should have the courage to speak what we believe even if we cant go to the extend of strike and protest like Anna Hazare...Today whole nation making a big cry over Anna Hazare; media celebrating it with live telecasts- dramtic protests and reactions...i already got dozens of mails from different social activist's communities asking to vote /sign/join different demonstrations....

But tomorrow the same media will hype some cheap Bollywood gossips in the same way and we, people will be busy with our own life to bother what happened yesterday...

I think we are taught too much to adjust ,that we are getting used to every sort of stupidity ..we ve learned to move on with our lives untouched by what 's happening around us..

With our eyes closed why should we shout for a change?

As the famous saying goes " we should be the change that we wish to see"...If we all express ourselves truly and stand for what we believe rather than too much compromising we can build a better world to live in...

Let the people protest and demonstrate , the ones like me who don't have the opportunity or situation for that can bring in changes in our own small small ways ...

Do something to bring hopes to our fellow beings ...

All this faking should go...All this timidness should go...we should guard our own self respect,ethics and courage to fight for what we believe...Then only the true change happens....

B'lated Happy Independence Day!!!

Monday 15 August 2011

Post Created Aug 15, 2011 8:08:47 PM

It was truly one of the most interesting day in my life...not Aug 15 but few days before.. I finally found out why I couldn't memorise the poems or quotes i like...

I understood why I always drew road maps to friends who asked for direction rather than explaining verbally...and why I prefer to recollect things as images to words....

I am a Right brained human !!! :) ..

My dear roomies, this was why I am extra careless n disorganized ;) ..actually I felt so relieved , science does solved many years of my confusion that asked " why I am like diz?" though not 100% hehe....

I do remember my friend's comment " don't attribute your laziness to poor right brain ;)

Tuesday 2 August 2011

What can frustration do to you???

We all get frustrated about different things at different times in different situations... Reasons can vary from the pathetic administration of our government to the peer pressure that demands us to stretch over our limits ...it can be a traffic block, a bad-mouthed friend, a boring job, limited income, family pressure, or a small fight with your partner... It is how we all react to helplessness...when we feel stuck, we are frustrated...:(

And the result it creates is worse .. Headache, bad temper, distorted biased decisions, feeling useless n worthless, unhealthy eating habits which can also be expensive to your pocket, unable to concentrate nor able to find anything good about what you are doing... A total "meaningless" attitude will creep into your brain, heart, and finally to your soul....it will first make you angry, then sad, then confused, and finally distant towards reality...

Is it good? I can say frustration is good only for those few who can turn it into positive action or else it is depressingly negative...

I went through so many articles which claimed to help controlling frustration but to be very frank it was simply a waste of my time. It suggested methods on how to escape or make us blind towards something we wanna shout loud...like listening to music, speaking to your friends or sleep..!!! So I genuinely started thinking of options other than escapism...and don't read further if you expect me to answer... I m not... First, of course, I tried escapism but it simply asked me to forget what worries me and finally I ended up forgetting who I am!!! So plz don't go for it... Next, I tried reading philosophical books that claimed to give answers but I was simply more confused...so I ended up following a method of expressing my frustration in simple ways...like writing comments, blog, or reacting loud when I ought to rather than trying to be blind...I decided to keep a small journal to list of positive things I did and it did work for me... I can't change the world and its bad things myself so I simply changed grumbling how bad the world is... I wish to do what my little hands could do and what my small position in this world could carry...I simply don't wanna regret thinking I missed doing something worth coz I was confused or unprepared.... :) this is my way and of course, it all depends on how much you can contribute to the betterment of the world we live in...and plz Dnt Choose to be blind ... You might be called as sweet and innocent by your family and friends if you remain silent and smiling but don't u feel unworthy?????