Again it happened!!
I was on my way back from the office, winding up a tiring day, silently wishing if I could jump straight to my bed without the hurdles of a bus journey. But I had to keep in heart Robert Frost's famous lines," Miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep” (literally)...
Coming back to my bus journey.
Somehow, I managed to get a window seat, which was a perfect mix of luck and luxury in that crowded bus. After taking the ticket, as per my traveling routine, I took a book and started reading. Pages flipped and the cool breeze made me plunge deeply into the world of words ... Suddenly, the bus screeched to a halt … (some auto-rickshaw driver tried to imitate Schumacher, I guess…)and there was loud shouting from all sides...Earlier, I used to get shocked seeing and hearing all this. But now my shocks have been reduced to boring glances as this also frames into my traveling routine :) After a few loud harsh comments from some passengers and rickshaw driver, the bus started moving slowly...I glanced outside and regained my reading posture, but this time I felt something wrong and all of a sudden a bulb flashed…I missed my stop and have crossed almost three stops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S: I reached my room safe around 9 (usually 7) and I am now banned from taking any books while going to the office…
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