Thursday 21 January 2010

What do you think of space? Don’t look @ sky please…
I meant personal space…
I strongly believe that we should give others space to live and we should demand space from others. I had lot of fights with this term.
Many won’t understand its importance. Even if it’s your best friend, your lover/partner, parents, siblings or celebrities, they are individual with their own unique likings, their own unique past, their own secret dreams and ambitions and their own thoughts. However close we stand, finally, they only have to live their life, only they can bring the real happiness in their life as only they knew their own unique definition of happiness.… We have to accept that fact…
If you are too judgmental we can never ask a person to open his heart…Its acceptable to have curiosity about others (whatever wonderful terms we use,on the bare mode, its human curiosity that make us listen to others (most of d times)..Don’t be ashamed, it’s this human instinct that lead to all the great discoveries and made us unravel the power of knowledge)
But being too judgmental about other’s life or action is something I loath. Very rarely I place myself in such situations as I never give a chance for some one to ask ‘What happened?’ Every thing in our life will have different versions and I used to tell the versions the listener expects and that’s it. “Satisfy the hunger, no more they will be hunting”-I read this somewhere about lions and I quiet confidently think that it is applicable to human also.
But I have seen many of my friends standing clueless, utterly confused on what they want just coz they r worried on what others will think. I will say it as quiet natural to be worried about what others’ think. To an extend we all live for recognition from others.

The point I don’t understand is why people place others on the same confusing stand when they themselves knew the agony of being there. Might be to check how strong we are on our decision... I don’t know...But personally I think, this test is too hard that many falls here crushing their dreams for others...In other way we ourselves are responsible for this situation .Only when we stop chasing other’s life ,others will move away from you …Then only you will get the space you crave for..
It’s not the term ‘privacy’ I am confusing with space .Space is Space. We all should have space to think and space to take decision about ourselves....

If a person is hurting neither you nor the society, then, why can’t we leave him/her alone.

People are getting so much crowded with other’s thoughts that unknowingly they are loosing the power to think by themselves…What this generation is lacking is the awarenss on what they want or what they can . They want to hide in their own life with all the so called fun , never bothering to observe and listen..

This should change. We should be more open to others…and lenient to ourselves…
Just like you want others to accept you, accept others too. It’s not about accepting there thoughts but accept the person as they are. And be what you really are…

Don’t change anything in your life until you are sure about why you are changing it…If you can’t find fault in what you are doing ,keep the heads up and fight. That’s the courage the world is looking for. You might be wrong….But finally you will know why you are wrong.
That do matter....Coz happiness means knowing what we are doing and why we are we doing that…In short, we should have a purpose in our life which we are fully convinced about.We should never give up an argument (to ourself or to others)until you are sure why you are agreeing...

Life might bring different twists n turns but never bend your dreams scaring to express what you believe…. Be sure of what you agreeing and make sure you are doing what you believe and not what others believe….


  1. hmm.. Every life has certainly got a purpose..even if they are aware or not but if they know as you said 'awareness on what they want or what they can'..that itself is the awareness of the purpose... and nothing happens without a reason.

  2. exactly. i agree with that. all that we can say is on our on perspective and the things what we do on every situations.....

    also pls keep the polls open for some more time....
