Tuesday 15 December 2009


I was writing something abt all my crappy feelings n felt really gud wen i re read n hit the backspace button!!..Sometimes i feel i am getting worse with words but it is what i like most in this world so I am never going to stop this either...
My Hostel life is going really great..so many times i started to write but got so much confused with what to write..After our college it is usually said that our friendship chain will get shorter and thinner, but i feel quite the reverse..
At college we are more childish though very sincere n simple .But here its more mature ,realistic n so muchhh funnnnnn....We 4 ,its not abt hang outs or roaming around..it is simply about staying in our bed(never mine!!reason unexplained!)talking laughing n laughin n more laughing n more laughing..how to feel sad when we cant stop laughing ..

Starting with Miss Chottu ..who always falls down due to gravity issues n obeys all the principles from 9th physics text even while taking water from purifier ..who talks all about minimising wastage (heater ,food,water,money,fuel,paper....)but keeps light on whole night!!!We both have the special accomplishment of staying a whole night awake talking!!(2 MBAs!!!)

...Miss.Organised who finds its crazy to see three dumbos (all being outstanding performers!!!)bottled up with her ,trying hard with advice n scolding and finally ends up seeing iron box again in her bed (That too ,hot burning her finger:()))!gave up even the idea about being organised(happens everyday !!!)...She is the fav of all our parents coz she is the only ray of hope they see in our room..(Let us see who change!!!!!!!)

.Miss Dreamy ,with that wonderstrucken face ,even if the topic is about 'face wash' is our"gem"!!Dont take her sleepy comments in our discussions less serious ,she got never imaginable answers for all the questions like "payazhiraja"(Plz dont ask me to share that great joke ,i can never put it in words with full justice!!)Ok let me try...(Dialogue:"payashiraja getting released on Nov 1 ...gud...payashiraja mazhyu erinje keralam undaya dhivesemalle November 1!!!!!!!!!!anne thanne relaese!!!!!!ho bhayngerem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)..

N finally me with my bed "cozy" with my clothes(more than 3/4th),books n who know what...,with never happening dream about sleeping earlier n not getting scolding for spilling everything i take (i donno wat goes wrong? watever i take ,let it be chocolate wrappers ,chips or my lip liner ..after 5 min it ll be on the table or on the floor (dancing of course!!)..

Thus we talk n talk n talk.....

There are ofcourse many side effects for this(too much talking):{

When we are in room,dont ever think of talking over phone without getting scolding form other side for not listening and for smiling/laughing at odd time ..Even when we get questions from other side like"who s der shouting?..never we will be in the sense to ask to stop those talk as we are (in truth )listening to that storyline...
nor wanna go out from the room n miss anything...
worst scene is getting ourself angry /shouting /crying over phone (trying hard not to laugh seeing the expressions on other's face)...
Not forgetting my memory hits..Choosing next day's office wear spending more than one hour ,thinking abt ironing and ,throwing it straight to bucket with full water!!!!

Sleeping with full new ideas(starting with fashion shows,family n friends,reality shows,ads ,history ,war and what not!!!) our poor dreamy grl cant even get proper sleep coz of dreamzz(Watever topic we discuss she ll have some dream abt that next day!!..ie roughly ,with more than 10 topic to think abt!!!...heavy loadings!!poor grl na?)
p.s-she bought a diary to scribble down her dreams n god knows where it is now..
Continuing ..
Waking up evryday late(even then we ll keep on talkingg)..forgetting to call "special ones"(girlz r grlzzzzz!!!!)..buying too much chips(we doo talk about diet..:)))...
etc can also be considered as serious side effects(Really!!!??)...

I never knew there is so much things happening a day until i started living in our room ..so much to say about a single day!!!!But it is like a routine ..without speaking it will be like ......i doono wat it ll be like...we ve never been.

Hey,Forgot to mention ..Its one year since am in blore!!!

...One year back on a beautiful December morning like today that I landed up in Bangalore... Chilling breeze, loud noises and strangeness of the place made me nervous.....Now, after a year, though the noise still annoy me ,I feel good to be here. I really do...

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