Tuesday 14 April 2009


I never thought of job as something with so much importance than something to earn money until I started looking for a job. Now I know how much important it is to be in the right job .Lucky are the one who got job which matches with their talents n interest. Qualifications are nothing but paper sacks that burden our head. It makes us take a way that is prescribed for those typical bundle carriers.

But in this world when everyone searching for the right job it’s so difficult to find out what we want over what we get. Money is just a compensation .If we all work in the field which we like we will try to excel, to develop our self even if we r not up to mark. We will be ready to do hard work coz we know that’s what we r destined for n that’s where our true interest lies.
That’s what makes me tensed all in my life when I realized this truth. What if I am caught in the wrong job? I may work, I may earn. but don’t think about growth in a positive way, don’t think about a day when u get a real appreciation which u desired for rather than what you worked hard for....
Ye attitude matter a lot
We may get adopted, we may get accepted but what in the real depth of ours can b quite different n that makes life so difficult when it seems so smooth…..

.The question remains .am I in someone’s else shoe? Why I always feel like I have to change all this and this is not what I wan me to be? Why I think all my work as meaningless even when I get appreciation? Why I feel useless when all other think am worthy. Because even when we act very good, taking out all energy to make the mark ,the one thing we all forget…It needs only dedication n interest to do a real work in the right way if u r the real person. Others struggle n struggle to meet other’s expectation ignoring ours.

But what is right n wrong is again a question?

In life we reach this point for almost everything. What I want from me? What others expect? And all talk about recognition from others and self satisfaction!!!
Why we all look for others response n recognition more than self satisfaction?
I donno..me too includes in that category…

We need good salary, high pay means high status; high status means power n recognition.
But only few reach there. Others struggle to get there. But don’t you think it was there way n our way might be different?

Qualifications are very rare match to our interest. Our interest may not offer job security, may not pay your fat bills, may not make your parents proud. .still… u wont be bored at work..u wont be sad to take Saturday not as holiday n wont be getting out of the bed thinking how sad it’s a working day…Its not a guarantee still we can be assured .We have a hope to excel. We have a hope to stand out rather than just like being 1 out lakh…And once we really achieved something from our passion ,that only gives you true happiness not doubting about self satisfaction nor recognition .It will all be there…

a short cut to happiness is simply doin wat u love to do..

1 comment:

  1. Nice thought Athi....
    Well written!!!!!!

