Saturday 16 February 2008

today feb 16th..nothin special abt dis date...we all ve so many days wiped away frm our life without leavin behind anymark..its sometimes disturbin to think dat we live a full day in a way dat v ve nothin to remember..earlier i used to jot down somethin in my diary evryday..but aftr bein in hostel i didnt even get time to thnk abt my diary!!!..nw i kno its a part of life to always leave behind somthin, coz v don ve time or v ve more impotrnt things to do dan spendin time to make tokens of goin home for study leave..donno y feel like missin d campus though feelin excited to b at home...humans r really queer..why v feel so contradicting emotions about the samethin at the same time..but dont u thnk dis contradictions make our life thrillin and sometimes worth leavin...always keepin some lnks here n there..some strings dat make u feel d pain wen some one pull..everythin counts in our life..each n evry moment countss..2day ve gt an internal xam(retail) rushin off..bye bye
no no..i vnt gone..don feel like studyin nw..after reachin home i ll upload some intrestin snaps which i likd... nt feel like writin too..but anyway i ve no other options left..if i start sleepin nw i wont wake up 4 d xam..he he...wat a studious student!!!..
sometimes i think am being very much irresponsible but what is it like to be responsible ..he he..d ones who kno me ll say"xactly nt like u"he he..ok..i accept..but somehow i like to do evrythin in d last moment ve gt its own way of fun..always doin thngs with a last minute of running around n panic..wat can i do..its d way i am..i always take resolution to b systematic but somehw it never works..still am workin on new plans to make me systematic..dont laugh ,one day i too ll b known as a very very systematic person..he he..but secretly i ll say...i like dis way...dis world dont ve any order,what happens around dont ve any order,our thoughts dont ve any order,past present n future don ve gt any order..den y shud we stress ourself by creatin an order to ourself which actually doesnt nt criticizin people who believ in order ,dey might ve created a world for themselves in which dey r perfectly happy n content..but for me its really tiring...but i do hate cluttered rooms n cluttered thoughts though both may give us lot of things to do and thnk...look ..again am contradictin..he he...human na?..
i ve read a book.."5 point someone "by chethan bhagat..gud work..he ve succeded in abstractin certain bare realities of life...hw v live a life totally carried away by certain things which v later think as dumb...v kno d meaningless of relationships which we bulit around ..still d way we cherish n treasure those strings as our life codes...coz without all dat v all bcome too free dat we donno hw to live..we all need strings keep ourselves in d way v some make d codes too tight dat it suffocats n lead a life as mere puppets..i feel pity for those people can b codes of loved ones,it can b codes of prejudice and attitude,it can be codes of religion n culture,it can b codes of education and status....whatever it is ,dont make those strings too tight dat binds ur thoughts n imaginations..coz thats d real way you have to live and thats 4 what you r really made for..its a fact dat we may nt b able to live in d fullest of our dreams but don b too harsh n blind to our glowin innerself dat plead for our !!!!!!!!