Monday 6 June 2022

After a long time

 Hi my fav space,

I am sure no one else other than me going to read this page. And I don't wish too...

Every time I want to ask myself 'How I feel?'.. But I am scared to ask so.. I have travelled so ahead from that 18 year old who started this blog.. Its almost double the years and ye, I am quite successful in my career, like I always wanted to be. I am married to a good man and have two adoring kids. Life is good.

But somehow I am feeling so drained. I don't know why my eyes are filled, I don't know why I am so exhausted, I don't know why I clutch to my mobile and endlessly browse ..From what I am trying to run away..

I have changed a lot? No, I don't think so... Back then, I was very clear on what I want because i was always dreaming alone... I have never given anyone a space to dream with me...Yes, I was damn selfish, I know. So all the good and bad decisions affected only me. I took decisions on impulse, based on what I felt. And I don't regret too. That made me, that made my life. But now it is another equation which I feel so strange.