Wednesday 6 January 2021

My Roots (Poem)

I may stand without withering,

Trying hard not to bend.

I may stand bright and enjoy the drizzles,

Washing away the dust and quenching my thirst.

I may sway for the wind,

Trying to wish for the song once I loved.

I may grow an inch or two,

But I know I will never bloom,

For my roots are never here.

I miss the smell of wet soil,

And the ecstasy it brings along.

I remember the fluttering of the butterfly,

And the love we shared.

I may go back once,

The wind will blow to touch my fingers.

I will never see those beautiful wings. 

But I can smell the wet soil again,

Again and again, till I forget everything.

 After a long time, I am typing again for my blog. This time I am sure I don't have any viewers, though secretly I wish for a few.

But Okay. If I don't fetch some words from my heart and put them here, I will forget all thoughts I had when I just finished the epic year 2020!.

Yes, I've just completed the year!

As the years' pass, I am getting more and more confused about what is right and what is wrong. I always believed it as a personal perspective. But now I feel it is not; our life is not ours alone. How much we try to argue, however, we try to prove, no, this is not a battle that we've to win alone. It's not a group song too.

Life is so intertwined, glued, and mixed it's so difficult to draw boundaries, it's difficult to say no, it's confusing to agree and love is not the only feel we crave for...

As technology barged into our life as a sweet unavoidable nuisance, we are flooded with information. Too much interpretation and too much exposure had made us, at least me, so confused. I see I hear I believe and later I get to know that I was being fooled to view a video to make me believe in something which was not true! 

I read news with total opposite perspectives which leave me baffled. What to believe! Sad to say, though we are bombarded with a lot of information, we tend to believe what we already believe...we just fetch information that makes our beliefs strong...even if it is something weird as Flat Earth theory!!!

So this is where I stand in 2021, 35 years old...still trying to figure out what exactly is right! :)

I was always behind this word...As we grow older we tend to find more things wrong. Is it because I am being a grumpy old aunty! Or is it simply because I find much drama useless!