Saturday 28 May 2011

Post Created May 29, 2011 5:10:01 AM

As usual, I am here totally confused about what to write!!
Today was a sort of dull day. There was nothing much interesting and worst is, I been to the office on Saturday for the first time :)

I thought Saturday office will be quiet and lonely but to my utter surprise I found so many people roaming around enjoying their day ...then my friend cleared my small confused look by explaining it as the casual day for office staffs... They all looked so different and happy out of their boring brown uniform and super excited...

From Lkg till 10th my uniform was white & blue, from that day till now I hate blue. And it took years for my eyes to adjust and compromise with the fact that, for guys, blue is the only colorful formal option available!
After plus two, shades of brown also vanished from my color list ;)
But every morning when I crazily search in my wardrobe without a clue on what to wear I really used to wish for a uniform... But only then I used to like that idea!! I don't want myself to hate more colors.!!!!!!!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Post Created May 26, 2011 8:49:10 AM

Yesterday I was writing something n before posting only I slept off:)
Now I am in bus...mng is always same for me..I like it only if I am in my bed..or else it's just a lazy trip to office...Though my Friendz make fun of my laziness ,I like my life in diz way.. Little careless n little more careless ...Today is gonna b really really hectic ... N sure I will ve to stretch till 9...Still sumhow I like my job and finally I am proud that I changed my job 4 times and that too different domains ..I m not finding this as end but still I no more growl thinking of my job:) happy day:)

Friday 6 May 2011

Post Created May 6, 2011 11:17:26 PM

Thinking positive is all I have
All ask to be positive
But once I talk positive
All think am full of ego
I know this world is filled with opposites
All ask me to find similarities in that
But once I find it
All cries wrong making me wonder
Searching is my passion
All write it as the Aim of life
But once I do
All paints me as aimless
Lying-in my bed with no mask to bear
I wanna explore this life
Dats my little big dream
To show this world
Without risk we grow no more than a baby
I pity those who stay in there safety cocoon
Thoughts are meant to be thoughts
Never make it a store room of junk
Open the door n let the cool wind gush
Making your hair breath
Stay in wind with your eyes open
Don't shut it listening to some other's songs
That lyrics is not ours
Thoughts are our first action
And always make it truly ours
Life need coins but not let that be a chain
Life need bonds but not let that be a chain
Life need aims but not let that be these two chains alone
Life is your possession that needs to lived
Not just a path to follow and pretend happiness
Don't trust ignorance as happiness
Don't run away to live in a cocoon
Stay in your world and crack your cocoon
Then only you be a butterfly
With beautiful wings to fly
Seeing and sensing the flowers around you
And making you smile like me

Post Created May 6, 2011 11:08:57 PM

I have to finish lot of work .I am feeling down.someone who is very special to me is leaving and realistically speaking I know chance of meeting again Is very less.even if we meet it will be after years and life won't be the same.I hate when this happen.and nowadays it is happening so often...all says death is the only final leaving and in all other cases chances are plenty to meet.but for me I ve always experienced a change whenever people move away from us . It will never be like the same old dayz of the times we roamed around spending all our salary eating Ice creams n chicken ,the small fights which we ferociously fought n finally both trying hard to remember why we fighted or shopped for no reason finally making us blink at the ATM balance was fun n fun...dat all never gonna return it's gonna end up in chat boxes and mails like many other relationships...I know the bond will exist but am gonna truly miss that togetherness forever..

something I wrote 20days back

I am learning a new mode of more yr starts...what all changes it gonna bring is always s mystery..however like all I too expect this year to bring lot of happiness and sparkle to my life...this day,15april away from home near to my friends...sometimes I feel that I am too lucky to have such gud friendz...and am even too scared to accept it...this time I am just thanking god for all his blessings...I am living in a world dat frustrates me ;terrorism,death,insecurity,uncertainty,poverty,illiteracy and what not?but on the other hand I love this world dilemma is all about how much I need to worry about the world and lives around me..sometimes I can live happily avoiding the people around me but many a times I am getting lost
Why all think that I am trying to show off or showing a fake concern...I may not be able to materialize all my dreams today but still I have the interest n true desire .I truly believe one day I will make my dream true:)