Monday 5 April 2010

Women's Reservation Bill

Women's Reservation Bill

Why people getting so worried that only elite class woman will be voted to power if the women’s reservation bill gets implemented?
...99% of the men who are currently in power are in so called “elite class”. First, ask this folks who oppose reservation to pick at least 5 politicians who are not corrupt and not in the “elite class”. Why taking only the example of Rabri Devi, how many of our male politicians are educated? What all foolish and embarrassing stunts our male politicians make everyday? Why no one is there to comment all those actions as something connected to gender?

Women in all arenas should realize this attitude as an insult and decide not to vote till this bill gets passed or to vote only for women irrespective to the political parties.

I will never consider woman as weak. But our society has built a culture that control and limits the potential of women in the name of values and customs. This should change. The slowly progressing women empowerment activities won’t make much difference in the attitude of men towards women. For that, women should be a part of ruling system. In our present day context, it will never be materialized without a strong “push”. And this bill will act as a trigger for women to participate and force men to make women participate in governmental affairs.

The bill for increasing the salary hikes for MLA’s were passed without a question and why this one taking so long? Are the male politicians getting scared to share the power?

Women should not vote till the bill gets passed. If men want the power, let them have it .If they think, women are not capable why they need our vote. Let men vote and rule. We should show our support towards the bill by not participating in election till we get the bill passed. Don’t let it be another political drama by the politicians to get vote for the next election!