Tuesday 29 July 2008

Today 29th July 08../8 15 pm…

Today I can’t just scrawl up words with my routine n usual talks…There is more imperative issues to share. Not secrets but some facts…
The serial bombings in Ahmedabad and Bangalore, which have taken a toll of nearly 50 lives and injured more than 150 people, have demonstrated just how dangerous the terrorist threat to India’s major cities continues to be. Even if we consider all this as part and parcel of our modern life where we just view incidents rather than feel, the character of the violence is horrifying, after all, it takes a special kind of savagery to bomb a hospital. Union home minister Shivaraj Patel has promised a “comprehensive plan” to deal with the challenge-but did not spell out what action was contemplated nor why the union government has taken 5 years to decide that it must have one. Forlornly, pronouncements like this have followed each terrorist attack in recent years, as part of a ritualistic set of actions intended to reassure people that government is working to make their lives more secure-Police deployment in public places enhanced, random checks on traffic being stepped up, and metal detectors installed in shopping complexes. But the truth is that not a single “today’s” terrorist has been arrested in street checks nor have searches at shopping complexes led to the detections of even one bomb. Measures like these cannot meet the terrorist threat. Cities, as any educated man knows, cannot be turned into fortresses.
This incidents showed how much vulnerable we are to these kind of attacks and how pathetic human appears when government reassure life with monitory compensation…
Can we blame d young generation for being “mute”.. Thats what they SEE..

Don’t you think its high time that the responsible people should react..

For a terrorist attack like this to happen ,there needs two factors..one a strong motive /intention to cause violence and the next is the “way/methods” to do this act
For motives and intentions to be controlled ,as in a country like India there should be lot of changes ,which we are still not sure about…issues dat includes land,money,power n religion…anything can be the reason..
But when we think about “how a terrorist attack could be possible?”. There we get a small hope for the future light…Why cant we make the rules little more vigilant? Most State police forces remain understaffed, under trained and under equipped.. truely pathetic na?
On paper license are needed to buy and store explosive materials.but as being a common educated Indian do you think its soo hard for you to get all that????
Again ,all this have to be checked by proper authorities but are they doing that? Where will they get time for all this when they are too busy being in power and politics.. .

..Ofo ..Powercut!!!!Last year ,heavy rains in southeren India led to the south west monsoon ending with above average nation wide rainfall.In striking contrast this year large parts of the south suffers a drought..hmm…let it be..for that I don’t ve any solution …when we have spark inside who need electric illumination(thank god !! my laptop battery is full..he he )

I don’t even want to mention about all that happened in Lok sabha a few days back..
What the government and its leaders have not taken into account is that these reforms and changes they make do not depend merely on a numerical majority in the Lok sabha..
Why this government think Indians are idiots ??There are educated,non politicized Indians who still care for this nation,who welcome new changes,,. Don’t they think it is there responsibility atleast to convince this few about their decisions ???If all this deal aim at something that is really good and benefitial..ok let us whole heartedly agree..but why cant they convince us? Why cant they explain loudly n clearly that they r moving on a right path..hmmm…I doonoo….

Ok!Can we call it a day???
Feeling really tired…gushnite.. Have a nice sleep…(After all ,that’s d only panacea I can suggest.. he he)

Wednesday 23 July 2008

again here


its me ,signing in again , after a longgggggggggggg break? When I last wrote the date was April 24 and now its July 23...if u ask me y, I will say I was busy n anyway u have to believe what I say .So why need so many explanations???...he he..
As usual am here to scribble something which am surely donno wat …n at present I ve gt nothing in my head(don t say as usual..he he)
Tomorrow I ve lot of stuffs to do..i have to work on my final sem project,I ve got some assignments from my sweet mom, in btw I ve to be with some of my frendzz ,n evening v ve some guest too..rlly busy na???
I donno if u ve heard ..world ‘s oldest blogger passed away( few days back) age 108 after posting a final message about singing “a happy song”in her nursing home... cool na?She had posted more than 70 entries on her blog since February 2007,sharing her thoughts on modern life and her experience living through the 20th century…
Anyway 2maro I ll read that blog for sure….this thing I cn be sure..he he..even if I didn’t touch my project or get scoldin from mom for not helping her...i wnt miss my frends n this blog which ve got my real intrst..what can I do ..i like to do only things which I ve some intrest in…..i belive in- wat u do, do it with ur full heart ,otherwise don’t bother to do

Monsoon again banging on my window. last time when I wrote about rain I ws in a beautiful valley with mist n mountains around ,painting my dreams in bold colours…
Now I feel so cozy to be at home..in my room..now d time is 6 in d morning..people who know me very well may raise up their eyebrows..ye ,am awake….if u ask me y,again d answer will be nothing..watever it is d thing is dat am simply awake in dis fine morning..with drizzly rain spotting shades of rainbow on my window pane …givin me a perfect setting to do wat I like most….dats why am here simply to make this time more dear…
do u know wat I miss most about my college..its dis rain…yday I told dis to one of my friends n she was laughing..i asked her to go n feel it there ..den only u ll get wat I mean…hmm.no no..no grumbling today..am not in a mood to grumble for anything..I am so happy n high in spirit with lot of energy bubbling in…
everyday I think about wat to write in my blog ..i am planning to go for bloggin everyday..donno if it ll be wrkin on d right way..anyway I am at home ,n have got enough time ..so wat else to do..?he he
am resuming this page after 7 hours…after writing all dat sunlit words I fell asleep…he he..and only nw I cud get time to write again….
Time going pretty fast … hours flying …and we r left to wonder…
Am hearin a song from “Race”,,pehle nazar,,,,nice one na??

Getting some msgs frm frends..its a real bliss to feel dat some one remembers u wen u least xpect it….
Oh..amma callin..let me go.. Endurance is essential n obedience is imperative to avoid catastrophe…he he..bye
Have lot to tell you.
.will catch u in this same space of mine ...sooonn…...
Take care
